Monday 26 October 2020


Prayer, in its most evolved stage, that of affirmation, always appears haloed by an adventurous spirit. There is a tendency to abandon what is notorious, comfortable, easily comprehensible and attainable, and the yearning to explore unknown and hard-to-reach worlds. The former comfort zone and traditional guarantees are outdated and been replaced by the pioneering spirit of intense mobility through areas of strange uncertainty.

The daily routine moved by the instinct disappears; is replaced by the doubts of the vast world of faith... Awakens in the soul the migratory tendency of its intimate nature... Without knowing exactly where to go, feels the need to abandon familiar places of the past... There are no wide avenues ahead - there are only impenetrable forests to break, anonymous deserts to cross, where, from afar at a distance, uncertain traces of some solitary pilgrim that has passed by in remote times... But the migrating soul trusts its divine intuition, continuing its ascensional journey...

Prayer, humble and intense, is for the soul, a thread of Ariadne through all the labyrinths...

In reality, the very essence of affirmative prayer, which is true prayer, therefore superior, is supreme liberation. It is the voluntary renunciation of old habits that have been solidified through millennia... Thus, in prehistoric times, the man of the senses must have struggled, in the process of intellectualization, to emancipate himself from subconscious habits in favour of his entry into the conscious world...

The transition from the narrow and accommodated gregarious consciousness of the past, proper to all human herds, to the individual consciousness, and from this to the universal consciousness, it is a multimillennial drama of stupendous grandeur and tragicity, from the harsh abysses of man's merely sensitive behaviour, through the levels of the most informed and tamed mental man, to the heights of the Christlike spiritual man. However, this journey of the Adamic man towards the Christlike man can only be guaranteed by true prayer.

There is, in this silent epic, a succession of darkness and light... Beginning from the total darkness of the senses to the penumbra of the intellect... Crossing the morning twilight of the intellect, through the mysterious eclipse of faith, and ending enlightened by the direct experience of God; shinning intensely like a million stars!

This is the fascinating adventure of true prayer...

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