Friday 23 October 2020


1) - At the beginning, when we are still in the primary school of spirituality, ignorant of the divine mystique, we pray for ourselves, with the desire to achieve some objects which, in our ignorance, we judge necessary for our happiness.

2)- Lately, in a secondary level of spirituality, where morality and ethics are still fragmented and the mystique lives in its potential state, we pray for the sake of others, to free them from some evil and get them some good.

3)- Finally, after the glorious pilgrimage through the narrow road and the small gate that leads to life, where we enter the university level of spirituality, and the mystique in full dynamics, we pray for no objects whatsoever, but only for the progressive identification of the individual subject Self, with the Universal Reality, or to the Primary Cause, i.e., God. And all our desire is summed up in the yearning to belong under Its luminous presence, just as the plant wishes to be shrouded and penetrated by sunlight. All our impure desire to “have” ended in the pure desire to “Be.” And then we only know this great melody: “God, hallowed be thy name... thy kingdom come... thy will be done...” Where petitionary prayer gives way to the affirmative one!


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