Monday 19 October 2020


The text below refers to a brief study of the human personality, both female and male, of beings who have their differences between one or more centres of direction or decision.


“How could exist perfect tuning and harmony between man and woman, if very diverse are their natures, their different characters and moods?

--- Woman, if more feminine, the more monocentric is her nature.

--- Man, the more masculine, the more polycentric is his being.

The feelings of Eva rotate around a single axis, eminently human - the thoughts of Adam disperse in diverse peripheral fields, assuming different colours. 

If the only centre in a woman is missing, she feels completely unhappy and as if suspended in a vacuum - if misses one of the centres in a man, he still has many others epicentres on which he can revolve his planetary system.

More intensely happy is woman's monocentric personality in realizing her potentialities, than the polycentric nature of man towards achieving his goals.

When a woman is emotionally involved with a man, she donates to him all her feminine human ego without leaving aside any part of her being - when a man joins woman, he usually leaves behind some provinces of his nature.

A woman can give herself entirely to a man – but man cannot be entirely hers, according to his judgments.

While she travels the highest spheres of subjective immolation – he inquiries the vast worlds of objective realities.

If the female soul were not so unilateral, would not be so monocentric her love – if the spirit of man were not so panoramic, would not be so polycentric his desires.

So, will be always adorned with pain the love of a man and a woman.

So, will always be the bittersweetness mixed with sweet bitterness...

So, there will always be in the intimacy of comprehension, a certain distance of incomprehension…

So, between he and she, the music that nurtures their lives will be always divided between harmony and dissonance…

So, this is the history of humankind, an epic of light darkened by eclipses…

Therefore, O man or woman, make of your life - which is not yet heaven and neither should it be a hell - to be at least, a mild purgatory, a transitory place of purification and a reasonable school for improvements…

Can human love, his and hers, be a purpose of life - but cannot be the ultimate purpose in the existence of man or woman.

Who does not know the raison d'être of its existence - the purpose of its life - is unhappy or on the eve of unhappiness...!”

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