Wednesday 21 October 2020


Earthly life is only worth - for the good deeds performed...

By the trail of light that we leave after departing...

If between your cradle and the grave opens a void, barren darkness, you did not live - you just had a vegetative existence...

“Here lie the remains of someone who died - but did not live”.

My friend, make of your life a poem of faith - an epic of love...

Mark your passage through the earth, only announcing love and benevolence...

There are so many evils - do not increase it with your arrival...

There is so much suffering - do not intensify it with your roughness...

Enlighten the surroundings of your presence with great ideas and beautiful ideals...

Why do you have to extinguish these lights that flicker uncertainly?...

Why destroy for once, what still holds fragile? ...

Why extinguish smoking wick?...

Speak to the souls in spiritual darkness, about the eternal lights...

Direct the sad souls towards the heights of God...

Do not look, like a weeping willow, to the earth - which the loved one swallowed...

Look like the cypress, to heaven - which the loved one welcomed.

So that to others you can be a morning sun - the plenitude of the light must be with you...

Only the one who is a beacon of light - can enlighten others...

Worship fervently all things beautiful and divine: Truth in words, sincerity in intentions, goodness in deeds, indulgence in judgment, faithfulness in promises, serenity in pain, charity to all - Fill your life with these lights and the lives of others...

No one is unhappy in nocturnal hours - when knows that after dark, smiling dawn rises ...

Overflow over the souls you might approach, the excess of your abundance.

Spread in men the abundance of your light. 

Communicate to the world the beatitude that God has fulfilled you.

Fix the polar star of Divine will - and drive your boat through darkness and storms...

A steady hand at the helm! - serene confidence in the soul!...

Your calm will calm others crossing too...

If someday, discouragement invades your heart – confess your sorrows to the eternal God, not to ephemeral creatures!

If rebellious tears break the dams - cry alone with the Almighty, not with impotent beings.

If atrocious doubts oppress your spirit - ask wisdom for the Sapient, and not to the ignorant.

Live this way as you wish you had lived when death will take your body...

And so, when death approaches, erects on the souls of the future generations a monument of love - an obelisk of faith...

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