Monday 10 January 2022


These words of Christ Jesus invite us to ask: what world did he conquer? It was certainly not that of the Roman Empire, which dominated part of the planet, including tiny Palestine, where he was born and lived.

The world was for him, all humankind. However, what kind of humanity was that, which is not different from that of the present day? Humankind, for which he clearly warned: “The prince of this world, which is the power of darkness, hath power over you.” Where the prince himself declares: “All the kingdoms of the world and their glory are mines, and I give them to whom I will.”

Therefore, what Jesus overcame was humanity dominated by the power of darkness.

There are, therefore, two humanities: the humanity of Satan – and the humanity of Jesus. The latter seems to be represented by him alone, at least until the Pentecost's day, while his disciples were still under the power of Satan.

Almost the entire humanity of all times and countries seems to be subject to the power of this prince.

And since when has humanity been dominated by the power of darkness?

From the time of Genesis.

In these more than two thousand years of Christianity, it seems that the content of this document of humanity has never been taken seriously; the horrible curses that the Cosmic Powers fulminated on men have never properly analysed: a curse on intelligence symbolised by the serpent: a curse on woman and curse on man: “Cursed be the Earth because of you”.

These devastating curses decreed by the Elohim suppose a cause of immense importance and gravity, for no one aims cannons and machine guns against flies.

And what cause is this?

The cause that provoked these rebukes must have been cosmic in scope, affecting all of humanity.

Paul of Tarsus, in the Epistle to the Romans, referring to this, says that, until the present moment, all nature groans and suffers in childbirth, in expectation of the revelation of the sons of God, because men, who received the firstfruits of the spirit, have not yet realized the divine sonship; but when men are freed from their servitude, nature will also be freed from the servitude of its corruptibility.

There is, therefore, a mysterious symbiosis between the destiny of man and nature, that is, a human tragedy only possible due to free will.

He who diverted man from his pilgrimage on Earth was himself, making the Lucifer of his intelligence prevail over the God of the spirit.

The ego, says the ancient wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita, is the spiritual Self's worst enemy. Cosmic laws give complete freedom of evolution to the tares among the wheat, which proliferate until harvest. Wheat and tares have the same right to their evolution – but the final fate will not be the same.

When a straight line pointing north deviates by even a millimetre, it gradually increases towards the end, for the initial direction has been bewildered.

This deviation took place at the beginning of humanity, by the man himself, and continues through the millennia – because the tares have to reach the fullness of their evolution to satisfy the wisdom of the Cosmic Laws.

For humanity still profane, it is difficult, or impossible, to comprehend the gravity of the cause that provoked these curses. But this tampering with the cosmic energies of man, which the Orientals call Kundalini, and Genesis calls the serpent, must be of immense gravity, for it tends to frustrate the destiny of the average man. Man's cosmic energies are responsible for improving the genetic heritage of the body and mind, and Moses knew this in the light of his cosmic intuition, which inspired Genesis.1

For the man to counteract this initial deviation, he must, according to Jesus, be born again “of water and spirit”, and not just “of flesh and flesh”; only in this way will he realize the kingdom of God, that is, the new humanity on the face of the Earth.

Today's humanity is still under the power of darkness, for it has not conquered this world. What it can and must do is to reduce its slavery to a minimum until it is born again of water and spirit.

Jesus says about himself: the prince of this world has no power because I have overcome the world. From the beginning, he had conquered this world of the serpent, for the origin of Jesus' body already obeyed the laws that dominate matter. And all his earthly life was guided by that same law that overcomes the world.

Man, born of flesh and flesh and not of water and spirit, can only prelude the new world, lessening his material bondage and increasing his spiritual victory. To a certain extent, every man can come to say: over me, the prince of this world, who is the power of darkness, has no power because I am conquering the world.

Moreover, the destiny of man's earthly incarnation is only this progressive emancipation from the power of darkness and this progressive liberation by the power of light.

“Ye shall know the truth - and the truth shall set you free.”


1)- Kundalini (Sakti) = A spiritual psychic force, or mystical energy that lies dormant at the base of the spinal cord until activated by yogic practices. Symbolically conceived, as a snake coiled around the spinal vertebrae, which unwinds and rises to the top of the skull, resulting in the absorption of Spirit in the essential and Divine Self, which transports the human being to an expanded state of consciousness.

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