Monday 31 January 2022


The general opinion among the vast majority of profane men is that thoughts are not real things. That they are wanderings of the mind on several levels, and hence they attach little importance to thoughts and their quality. And so, allowing thoughts of all kinds to occur to them constantly.

However, it is known that thoughts are real things, in the form of energies or forces, like the impact of a hammer on an anvil, or like the electric current that manifests itself as force, light or heat, although electricity itself is invisible. A high voltage wire, with 1,000 volts, seems harmless, inert and weak, but... it can be lethal!

There are thoughts that poison and kill – and there are thoughts that give health and more abundant life, just as there are destructive thoughts – and there are constructive thoughts.

Nuclear physics shows that the more real something is, the less material it is. What is material has a minimum of reality and a maximum of unreality.

Material substance is, as it were, only one degree above nothingness because its passivity is great and its activity is small.

Energy has more activity and less passivity.

Light, especially invisible light, has the most activity or reality and the least passivity or unreality of all things in the physical universe.

Thought, being less material than solid matter, energy and light, has greater power than these physical realities.

Above the mental force of thought is the rational (or spiritual) force of intuitive experience. It follows that the force of reason can dominate: the mind, the light, the energy and the matter.

Everything is possible to one with a highly developed rational faculty because all other subaltern forces of nature are subject to it.

These forces exist in human beings but in a state of dispersion or latency and therefore do not manifest their force.

Sunlight focusing on a 10 cm diameter lens surface does not produce much heat and light. But by concentrating this light to a diameter of 1 cm, it has the power to burn. By further reducing the diameter of this lens, the power of light intensifies even more.

Where did this heat and light come from? From the sun, distant 150 million kilometres from Earth! This heat and light were present before being concentrated in the lens, but they were in a dispersion state and therefore had no effect. The effect is thus conditioned (not caused!) by the concentration of a present force. The lens does not causally produce this heat and light but makes their presence perceptible through the concentration of what was dispersed.

A similar thing happens with the “mental lens”. In fact, the mind works like a lens: it does not causally produce the effect, but it is the necessary condition for concentrating a pre-existing force and light.

That force and that light is the rational or spiritual Self, which in turn is an individualization of the Universal Force and Light. The infinite ocean of force and light external to the human being exists in its central Self, as if individualized; the divine Essence makes itself present in the form of human existence, whose intimate centre continues to be that same divine Essence. The mind or intellect is a lens, a condenser and a channeler of that force and light.

The spiritual Self can be compared to a lake on top of a mountain. As long as it is not channelled, it remains stationary, but if channelled, it runs in the direction given by the channel.

In the same way, the mind can channel the spiritual waters of the soul or the Self, and these energies act wherever they are channelled.

Spiritual forces are positive forces, while mental forces channelled by the mind can be positive or negative, according to the character given by the will of the one who channelled them.

The degree of purity or impurity coming from mental energies depends on the presence or absence of selfishness of that mind. If it keeps itself free from any trace of selfishness, the waters flow with absolute purity and only produce beneficial and constructive effects.

Egoism is self-love that excludes others. When the ego loves itself and unloves other beings, excluding them from self-love, this self-love is impure or selfish. But when the ego loves other beings as it loves itself, this self-love is pure because it includes others.

Selfish thoughts, being negative, necessarily produce a negative effect, that is, destructive, evil. Everything that is destructive at a given time, or at long range, even if it pays an immediate benefit, is evil. One who steals, or lies, may derive some immediate and transitory advantage from this selfishness, but the remote effect is necessarily destructive and evil. If it were not so, the Constitution of the Universe would not be a Cosmos (order), but chaos (disorder).

Therefore, it is in man's vital interest to channel healthy and constructive energies since only these promote real and permanent well-being and happiness. No one can presume to want to destroy or modify the eternal Laws of the Cosmos; it would be as absurd as thrusting its head against a rocky mountain; who is harmed is not the mountain but the unwary aggressor. Wisdom is that man knows the eternal laws and tunes his desire to act with those eternal laws that govern the Universe. These laws, however, demand universal good, cosmic solidarity and do not allow the advantage of one individual over the detriment of another.

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