Saturday 8 January 2022


These words of Jesus have caused strangeness and incomprehension, especially in the East, since does it not seem presumptuous to say that no man can reach God except through Christ? And the people who know nothing about Christ?

But this is not the meaning of the words spoken by Jesus.

It so happens that the evil lies in identifying the cosmic Christ with the human Jesus, through whom the Christ manifested himself.

The supreme Transcendent and Universal Divinity, who appears as the “Father” in the Gospel, can be imagined as an immense, infinite sea, without beginning or end; the cosmic Christ, as the primary channel that departs from that sea and launches itself through the Earth. From this main channel, full of the living waters (the messages of Jesus), depart numerous secondary channels, major and minor, which receive their waters directly from the main channel of Christ, albeit indirectly from the sea of Divinity. So, in an analogy, the main channel could say to the secondary channels: none of you gets anything from the sea except through me.

In this sense, Jesus said, referring to his Christ: “I am the path, the truth and the life; whoever follows me does not walk in darkness, but has the light of life.”

This truth suggests the following: it seems complicated for the ordinary human being to come directly into contact with Divinity, for man's receptive ability is too small to receive in himself anything from the immense sea of transcendent Divinity, which Christ calls the Father. The common man needs an intermediary, a mediator, a connecting link, a God-man, a Word made flesh, to establish contact between a man and the Divinity.

The cosmic Christ is the first and highest individual singularity of the Universal Divinity; it is a cosmic creature before becoming a telluric creature in Jesus. The cosmic Christ was God, the Only Begotten of the Father, and therefore the Firstborn of all creatures. He was God, but he was not Divinity. Many can be God; none can be Divinity.

The Only Begotten of the Father is the main channel of the sea of Divinity, and from this channel, secondary channels depart. The connection with this main channel has nothing to do with West or East, Christian or Pagan; it depends solely on the state of spiritual consciousness of each human being. Mahatma Gandhi was a channel firmly connected to the main channel of Christ, although he was not officially Christian; he was so Christlike and so unchristian that he could say to Christian missionaries who sought to convert him to their Christianity: “I accept Christ and his Gospel - but I do not accept your Christianity.”

A man can be 100% Christian or Christified and, at the same time, 0% Christian. Christ did not found Christianity, which is the work of his disciples.

The individuality of the cosmic Christ was the principle of all principles, "before the world was." The personality of Jesus appeared on Earth more than 2000 years ago; now, if Christ personified himself in other regions of the Cosmos, it is not known; it cannot be affirmed or denied. So, what is the meaning of his mysterious words: “In my Father's house are many mansions”? The Greek text says many “abidings,” or ways of being - perhaps personifications, ways of incarnating or becoming human.

The incarnation of the Word, of the cosmic Christ, was not a compulsory act of reincarnation but a free decision. When someone reincarnates, it obeys a law of necessity; when Christ incarnated in Jesus, it did it out of love, at the culmination of freedom.

And it is precisely here that the mystery of the messengers of the Divinity begins when they are in a high degree of ascensional evolution: they don't just want to enjoy its love; they want to suffer it. None of them is satisfied with a jouissance enjoyed. They want a jouissance suffered.

The incarnation of the Christ-Logos is a personification considered a kind of involution. Still, it is an evolution, as Jesus says to the disciples of Emmaus: “Should not the Christ suffer all this, to enter into his glory?” Glory is his self-realization, which is done through voluntary suffering, suffering-love. On Golgotha, he said: “It is finished”, he was referring to the consummation of his earthly evolution, the prelude to his entrance into glory. The consummation of the telluric Jesus is the glory of the cosmic Christ.

When Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through me,” he was referring to his cosmic Christ, not his human Jesus. The cosmic Christ is unique, but it can become human in many other beings.

Christ becomes human according to the recipients' ability and according to the needs of each age and each people. There is no end in any creature's evolution; however evolved, every creature is always subject to future evolution.

Despite all this, it remains true that no man comes to Divinity except through the main channel of the first and highest individual emanation of Universal Divinity.

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