Tuesday 21 January 2020


For months I lived amid these distinct beings from Cosmorama. And I was still not sure if all of this was a reality or a fantastic dream - perhaps a dream beyond all realities.
What intrigued me most was the total absence of government. No president, or prime minister, no governor, no mayor, no police; neither lawyers nor judges - none of this exists on this mysterious island.
One day I asked Iris to show me the constitution of Cosmorama; she smiled, shook her head, and didn't answer me.
And, despite the complete absence of legislation and policing, there were no crimes in Cosmorama, as its population was of advanced mental evolution. I've never seen a penitentiary or a jail. If the inhabitants of this island were very primitive men, still in an animalistic state, this absence of legislation would be understandable, because in nature there is no government and there is peace in it.
When I became more familiar with Iris, she introduced me to someone with whom I dared to ask for an explanation of this kind of absence of government, which in Greek would be called anarchy, but not in negative, chaotic anarchy, but positive, cosmic anarchy. What the person told me was the explicit confirmation of something that I had already felt implicitly.
He stated that the two extremes of nature, the nadir of instinct and the zenith of intuition, do not need external government since each being has its internal government within itself. All are Cosmo-governed. The instinctual world of the mineral, the vegetable and the animal are governed by Cosmic Intelligence, which in these beings is apparently unconscious, although conscious in itself. The non-human nature lives in an automatic harmony, which cannot pass beyond the limits established by the Cosmic Powers. Nature's permanent struggle does not contradict Cosmocracy; it is a struggle for constructive equilibrium, but not for destructive extermination.
In the world of the integral man, the subconscious instinct of nature is replaced by conscious reason, which manifests itself as consciousness, reason, spirit. The nadir of the unconscious culminated in the zenith of total consciousness.
Cosmic Consciousness reigns in the intimacy of this man, who acts as Cosmo-acted, Cosmo-lived, Cosmo-conscious. This man did not lose his ego-personality, but he matured into Cosmo-individuality. And, due to this immanence of cosmic consciousness, this man does not need an external government, since his internal government dispenses any external legislation.
Only the self-conscious man needs external government. The ego-personality based on intellectuality is, by its nature, fragmented, centrifugal and discordant. External law is a substitute, albeit precarious, of the internal law, which is still inoperative. Inoperative because human selfishness is approaching the limits of world tragedy - in this dawn of the third millennium - in the face of chaos, as can be seen in wars, conflicts, dramas and dilemmas found in almost all levels of human relations.
In the rational man, Cosmocracy prevails; intellectual man is governed by the so-called democracy created by him, which is the designation of a personality to govern other personalities. To guarantee a certain social peace, the egos resolve to entrust an ego to rule them, so that there can be a relative peace between them. The relative peace of this democracy, thus fragmented, is but an armistice, which is better than war, although it is not a sense of real and lasting peace. The government of this democracy must be content with precarious peace because lasting peace is not an attribute of the ego-personality.
When these truths were shown to me, I asked if there were no other forms of government? They explained to me that in addition to rational Cosmocracy and intellectual democracy, there was a dictatorial monocracy, where a man, without consulting others, believes himself to be the mastermind of a people, whether through heredity, as in the ancient kingdoms and empires … and even today! or under the pressure of guns, as in certain "democracies" and modern dictatorships.
Therefore, I did conclude, that the inhabitants of Cosmorama lived in a much more advanced stage than the humanity of Earth, which still survives under the power of the fragmented democracies or monocracies.
If cosmic reason managed to overcome our analytical intelligence, our humanity would proclaim a wonderful Cosmocracy. But ... this Cosmocracy supposes the cosmic consciousness within each individual.
With that, in my melancholy positivism, I saw the dawn of a new humanity, in distant times ... One day, "The Kingdom of God will be proclaimed on the face of the earth ... and there will be a new heaven and a new earth."

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