Monday 20 January 2020


The next day, Iris, the young inhabitant of Cosmorama, and Rohden, the old earthly inhabitant, continued the dialogue by sharing their knowledge between the two worlds that separate the two realities; the illusory in which human beings live, and the real-life of Cosmic beings, the so-called inhabitants of Cosmorama.
Many weeks had passed since I arrived on this island of mystery, but my convalescence was quick, thanks to the treatment I received from its inhabitants, and particularly from Iris. The term "treatment" should not be taken in the sense that it is used on Earth. I was not treated in any hospital, which does not exist in Cosmorama, nor did I take any medicine. Nor did I receive a visit from a doctor or any specialist - none of which is known among Cosmic people.
Someone was supervising my “treatment,” as I learned later, one of the Seers who put his hands on my forehead when I was still in a coma, after being thrown on the beach by the ocean waves.
On my next meeting with Iris, I asked: What did the Seer do, when I was half-dead?
- He didn't do anything, she replied, he just channelled the health of the Infinite into your body, and your disharmonized energies harmonized again.
- And you call it doing nothing?
- No, it was not the Seer who did, Mr Rohden; it was He, the Great, the Eternal, who gave back your life and health. The Seer only served as His intermediary and vehicle.
- Can every man serve as His vehicle?
- Can and should, said Iris.
- I’m sorry, but how?
- The answer is simple, my dear Earthman, freeing yourself from everything that obstructs the channels that connect all beings to Him.
- Does nobody die on this island?
- Everyone dies.
- But ... if there are no diseases? I asked curiously.
- Death is not a disease, Iris explained to me. Death is a process as natural and inevitable as birth and life, if there were no death, there would be no life in an ascensional evolution; but diseases are not part of the nature of the Cosmos.
- To this day, Iris, I have not seen an elderly person on this island.
- Didn't you see? You have seen many with a hundred, and some with two hundred years!
- What are you saying, Iris? Are you joking?
- That's how I say Mr Rohden. That Seer who led meditation from the top of the sanctuary is over a hundred years old!
- I saw some with white hair, but they all looked young, in the vigour of age.
- Whoever lives in harmony with the Infinite - spiritually connected with Him, is always a young man who ignores old age - does not know senile decrepitude; he lives in full vigour, physical and mental until his body exhales the last fraction of energy - and the organism stops because it is time to stop.
I looked closely at the face of Iris, who was also looking at me, and I could not understand that in a young woman, the wisdom of centuries and millennia lived. She spoke very easily about subjects difficult to understand.
- How is it possible, Iris, that you who must not be more than twenty years old, know about such advanced subjects? ...
- Twenty years? She exclaimed with a joyous laugh, shaking the dark hair that framed her beautiful face.
- I am more than twice that age ...
- Don't tell me that! ... I exclaimed dumbfounded.
- I say because it's true.
- And, on top of that, you have the courage to confess this, with such simplicity ...
- Why not?
- Among us, humans on Earth, young women deny their age, and they usually witness the first symptoms of old age with horror.
I know this, I know this, replied Iris. But someday, they will be like us.
And there was a pause between us, full of the invisible vibrations from the Beyond, of the silence that fills the conscience so much, allowing Reason to flourish in this void, not the intellect, but Reason, which is nothing more than the affinity with the Infinite.
- Tell me, Iris, how is it possible for you to know everything that happens between us? None of the inhabitants of Cosmorama has ever been on the planet Earth; how can you hear about everything that happens there? You, who live in this immense loneliness, isolated from all the rest of the Universe ...
- My dear Delphi! she exclaimed. Ah! ... I forgot to mention that Iris named me Delphi, short for the Greek word adelfós, which means brother; in fact, people of Cosmorama all call themselves brother or sister. For the elderly, many use the title of Father or Master.
- We do not live separated from the rest of the Universe - continued Iris - we know everything that happens between the inhabitants of Earth and among all the other conscious beings of the Cosmos; that is, we know what we are interested in knowing. We tune our soul to certain waves that vibrate in space.
- How do we do with radio and television? I asked ...
- More or less so, with the difference that we do not use material devices. When the soul reaches a certain degree of evolution, it is more powerful than any machine.
- Can we talk about the dead again? I asked ...
- Dead? ... She asked me, but not in the sense that it means on Earth.
- I know that you at Cosmorama understand death as something quite different than most inhabitants of Earth.
- Delphi, she told me, we understand what is true.
- But what is the truth?
- The truth is the consciousness of reality. The truth about man is that he needs certain means to reach his great destiny.
- You mean, after this earthly life, another life comes, or other lives? ...
- Neither other life nor other lives, my dear Delphi; we do not believe in another life, because we live in the light of truth.
- The truth - says Iris, with such reverence - is that life is one, always the same, although it goes through several stages of evolution. It starts here, in a material body, and continues elsewhere, in another body.
- In an astral body? ... I asked.
- That's what some earthlings call it, but this is a simple matter of the name. It does not matter what we call this body. The fact is that those who, through the material body, gather the necessary experience, will need a more perfected instrument, and the desire generates reality. The material body becomes an immaterial body, more and more subtle and suitable, according to the superior experiences that the soul obtains.
- The nuclear physics of recent times, on Earth, proved that all matter is energy, something immaterial, as is the ether, the light, the life.
- My dear Delphi, we have known this for thousands of years, indeed, the most advanced among the Tellurics, also knew it, long before experimental science confirmed it, but still in a precarious way.
- How? Have you known this for thousands of years?
- Yes, Iris told me, we are the oldest sentient beings on this planet. When our brothers from Atlantis disappeared, only we survived, because it is our great mission to bring to our Telluric brothers the knowledge of the whole truth, so that the kingdom of Him may also be proclaimed among them, as it was among us.
- Iris, you speak to me with such clarity and certainty of the darkest mysteries of existence, that I increasingly think I am dreaming ...
- No, my dear Delphi, you have been dreaming for a long time; now you are starting to wake up.
And after that moment, Iris is gone, that cosmic mystery in the form of a woman!

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