Monday 20 January 2020


It is not known how long the illustrious “castaway” was unconscious on the beaches of Cosmorama. But it is known that upon awakening, Rohden found himself surrounded by some of the local inhabitants, who, according to him, was similar to human beings on Earth, however, aesthetically more elegant, calm and gentle.
After the initial impact of the unexpected encounter, came along towards him a being in the shape of a woman, who presented herself with the name of Iris. She was dressed in green that gracefully harmonized with the bronze of her skin - much more beautiful than the name she used, a name that resembles the rainbow, a symbol of peace and calm.
“No, it was not a dream! There was this young girl before me, concrete and tangible, but of such beauty that I became instantly attracted to her, but for which I had no desire to possess. Later on, during all the time I lived in Cosmorama in long dialogues with Iris, I found that the love between these beings was like pure sunlight and not like a smoking torch of fire; they did not love to exploit their loved one or to satisfy their instincts. “Light without smoke” - that was the expression that modelled itself in my soul when I witnessed the loves of these beings. Love in Cosmorama is not boring, discoloured, anaemic, artificial; on the contrary, it is a love of intense colour, full of ardour and vitality. But to believe such an incredible thing, it would be necessary to experience it personally; because man only knows what he tasted and suffered in the depths of his being ... It would be necessary to be shipwrecked - to live so intensely.
After that first encounter, Iris became my interpreter and best friend; she said so incredible things and with such simplicity that no earthly man could believe.
It was so spontaneous the joy and friendship among these people - among whom there were two pairs of newlyweds - which was so contagious to anyone who was not precisely a block of ice.
I found for the first time in my life that love has nothing to do with sexual satisfaction, although this can be the natural expression of love. Sexual satisfaction when taken in isolation, is the opposite of love, because it is an expression of personal selfishness, for whose realization one sex needs the other; it means that one person uses another person as a means of achieving an egoistic end, which is anti-cosmic.
The scope of love is incomparably wider than the satisfaction of the sexual instinct, typical of the man who only knows the libido.
The inhabitants of Cosmorama represent a high level of spiritual evolution, so it is normal for them that the sexual instinct was integrated into love.”
Later, recovered from the “shipwreck” incident and fully aware, Rohden began to become more and more familiar with Cosmorama's atmosphere.
On a sunny afternoon, he went for a walk on the beach adjacent to a forest, with his friend Iris.
 “I was terrified when, suddenly, a tiger's head emerged from the gloom of the forest. I let out an involuntary cry of terror and hid behind a tree trunk. Iris laughed at my fear and, to prove to me that there was no reason, she put her arm around the feline's neck and offered the rest of her snack, and asked me to come over and pet the king of the forest: I did with some reluctance and found that my “positive auras” had already prevailed over “negative auras”; otherwise, that huge cat would not have considered me a friend.
That same afternoon I had a repeated opportunity to see that there are no wild animals; there are only wild men. The “wild man” is the mental sensory man, not yet rationalized by the spirit. This is the specimen that predominates among us, the human beings called civilized.
In prehistoric times, before man awoke his dormant intellect, there was no enmity between the world of men and the world of animals. After the awakening of the intellect, the man began to divorce himself from nature - and with that a state of belligerence, latent or manifest, which exists between man and nature today. The intellectualized man is a tyrant, an explorer and enslaves nature, and with this behaviour, he forces nature to respond with hostility, implicit or explicit, because to every action, it is equivalent to a reaction in the opposite direction.
But when man, from the level of simple intellectuality, rises to the level of rationality of the spirit, hostility between him and nature disappears, because on that level harmony reigns, for a creature fully attuned to the Creator cannot fail to be attuned to all the other creatures that are in harmony with the ultimate cause of the Universe.
In this supreme degree of evolution, man is no longer a slave to nature, as the unconscious man; and he also stopped enslaving it, like a man only intellectually aware: he became a friend and ally of nature, because it considers man as its “older brother” and spontaneously opens its intimate recesses and mysterious forces, placing them the disposition of the deified man, in the instinctive certainty that a being fully harmonized with the Creator is incapable of abusing other creatures, because all abuse is the offspring of selfishness; but in the man spiritually evolved, selfishness was overcome by love.
We spent all afternoon delighting with nature and talking about the relationship between it and man. I left this tour more enriched than if I had read an entire library ...”

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