Tuesday 13 April 2021


No man is at the end of his evolution what he was not, virtually, at the beginning of the process of his metamorphosis. The greater the destiny of man, the more faithful he must be to himself and the more firmly he maintains reason in his personality, regardless of all the aggressions and possible transformations of the environment that may alter the end of his pilgrimage, which first passes through the process of self-knowledge and the ultimate self-realization.

The Self of the mediocre man is like clay - the Self of the superior man is like crystal. The clay has no defined shape, assuming all the forms of the environment in which it is found, and all the modalities of the container. The crystal, however, even before appearing in its geometric form, is already what it will be: with strictly circumscribed faces, edges, colour. That is, the future body of the crystal is already pre-determined by the soul present in its atoms. Each atom of clay is clay, and, for that reason, an amorphous, indefinite being, without character, without a soul, without “personality” - whereas each atom of the future crystal already pre-existent virtually has character, form, soul, “personality”. The clay substance is susceptible to any adulterations, whereas the crystal substance is of absolute fidelity to itself.

Every mediocre man is like clay - every refined man is like crystal.

The first is a simple individual – the second, a powerful personality.

The greatest service that the refined man can render to humanity is to have the courage to be explicitly what he is implicit - even though this allegiance to the Self is almost always a nuisance for the world in which he lives for this man is inevitably a revolutionary, an exception to the rule, an anomaly - and the world of dominant mediocrities do not tolerate such injury to its traditional routine. The refined man does not adapt to these clichés, does not break his crystalline edges for the sake of moldable clay; he does not round his faces; does not tamper his Self – in the face of so many crimes committed by a society of clay-men ...

The crystal-man can hardly be a legitimate ornament of society because he cannot entertain - for a long time - a group of clay-men in a hall of distinguished ladies and elegant gentlemen. His edges differ from conventional banalities. His rectilinear character does not conform to the curvaceous hypocrisies and flattery without which the society of these mediocre men does not subsist.

However, this man-crystal, appalling nuisance for society, is the great foundation with the ability to support and build, from the world of chaos, a world of harmony.

The greatest crystal-man who ever appeared on earth was by the clay-men declared a heretic, revolutionary, dangerous and unsuitable. “Out with him! crucify him!” And all of this was very real, very true. There has never been a greater “heretic”, nor a more revolutionary spirit, nor a man more unsuitable to lying social conventions than this man.

And since that day, the path of the crystal-men is always full of obstacles, of gallows and burned at the stake, of prisons and crosses ...

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