Tuesday 6 April 2021


No church, no state has accepted this doctrine until today, for in these institutions, in societies, everyone practices violence, and continues to be guided by the law of retaliation established by Moses, the retributive justice of an eye for an eye.

An organized society cannot be guided by the spirit of non-violence, because they are based on selfishness, which approves violence. Societies have certain statutes, laws, legal paragraphs, which imply sanction, that is, violence, punishment for violators of the societies’ legal statutes.

Since the whole of society is a product of intelligence, and intelligence is essentially selfish, there cannot be a non-selfish, non-violent society. If Gandhi managed to liberate India by non-violence it was only because, around him, there were numerous individuals firmly grounded in the same truth, and not because Indian society was guided by the altruistic principle of non-violence. Every society practices violence, otherwise, it destroys itself by not enforcing its laws.

Only the individual man can practice nonviolence, not paying evil with evil, but paying evil with good, loving those who hate him.

Not resisting the evil one is an order that only the spiritually mature, integral individual follows. A society, being fundamentally selfish, can never be Christlike, although it can claim to be Christian; true Christianity does not allow itself to be varnished by selfishness.

No organized society can give up its rights, under penalty of going bankrupt, it exists only because of its rights; the right, however, is a form of selfishness, so injustice and selfishness generate violence.

The opposite of right is justice, which is practically identical to love. Justice, in the metaphysical sense, is invariably the perfect adjustment, the harmony between the individual and the Universal, between man and God, between the finite creature and the Infinite Creator and that justice is perfect love.

According to the Roman statesman, jurist and philosopher Cicero: “Summum jus - Summa injuria” (the supreme right is the supreme injustice).

Whoever claims all his rights, acts in the name of its ego, which is necessarily selfish; but whoever practices justice, acts in the name of the Cosmic Constitution of the Universe, in the name of the very soul of the Universe, which is God; acts in the name of Cosmic Love, which is the voice of the divine Self in man.

Whoever appeals to their “rights” acts in the name of the ego, which is an adept of violence.

Whoever appeals for “justice” acts in the name of the “Self” which is not an adept of violence.

“Do not resist one who is evil” is, therefore, an appeal to the divine Self in man, and not to his human ego.

There is in the Mosaic legislation, strange mathematics: it supposes that one violence is neutralized with another violence. If a man tears me an eye or break a tooth, and I also tear out an eye and break a tooth of him in revenge, we are even; for I have covered an open debt from my debtor. In reality, however, we are not even, neither my aggressor nor I, meaning one negative of him plus one negative of mine adds two negatives, creating two evils in the world; and since the second offence demands a third from him, and the latter demands a fourth offence from me, and so on in an undefined “chain reaction” - it is clear that the two of us are making the world worse every time more, filling it with negatives and more negatives.

Against this false mosaic mathematics of more than three thousand years, Jesus presents the true mathematics, absolutely logical and rational, stating that the negative (evil) is only neutralized by the positive (good) and that the only way to improve the world and humanity is by the process of:

1) not to resist evil;

2) to oppose good to evil, i.e., Jesus defeating Moses!

Gandhi, this famous Christian Indian, comprehended and practised this spiritual mathematics of Jesus admirably: non-violence and attachment to the truth, that is, love, cosmic justice, to the point that, just after he was shot, he told his nieces not to condemn his attacker!

For someone to practice this attitude of nonviolence and benevolence, it has to go through a deep mystical experience about its true nature, and not identifying with its physical-mental-emotional ego.

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