Tuesday 20 April 2021


The messages of the great spiritual masters that humanity knows are, almost all sent in a philosophical, allegorical, symbolic language, that to be comprehended, the mental and analytical faculty must be overcome to reach the intuitive level of reason, the Logos because the experience of these messages represents the most amazing mystical verticality, whose character is essentially cosmic.

The great difficulty that man has in comprehending the spirit of these messages are the lack of experience of its content. We only know and comprehend what is lived intimately in the depths of our being. To know is to be. Only when man divests himself of the “Adamic man”, who walks at the will of the tyrannical ego's instincts and desires, and puts himself on the “Christlike man, made in truth, justice and holiness”, is when he comprehends the soul of these messages.

For a man to cross the invisible boundary between the simple mental and theological analysis of these messages and their spiritual and cosmic intuition, he must create within a favourable ethical climate, because the ethical experience is the indispensable preliminary to the mystical experience, without which these messages of wisdom remain a “hidden treasure”.

As regards the messages of Jesus, the people and spiritual leaders of Israel - priests, scribes and Pharisees - for example, these were the only men against whom Jesus used strong words, so harsh that sometimes cause astonishment. He calls them “whitewashed tombs”, that is, a person who is internally corrupt or perverse, but who externally declares itself virtuous or holy, in summary: hypocritical!

Or, of “blind guides leading other blinds”, accusing them of “devouring the homes of widows and orphans, under the pretext of long prayers”, of “praying on street corners to be seen by the people”. In the parable of the good Samaritan, Jesus shows how two members of the church of Israel, the priest and the Levite, saturated with ecclesiastical liturgy were empty of human ethics.

However, this: “Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering”, was the most severe censure he sent to the leaders of the synagogue. For, instead of showing the right path, they led the people in the wrong ones. They made it impossible, with their human doctrines, for the well-intentioned but ignorant people to enter the Kingdom of God because they took the theologies of the priests as if they were a revelation from God.

This is the biggest mistake of many religious teachers, through the ages; not to be truly enlightened by God, but only ordained by men. They lack the deep vertical of the direct experience of the spiritual world, and for that reason, they are content with the vast horizontal of human, liturgical, sacramental, theological precepts; and the more they hypertrophy their human dogmatism, the more they atrophy the divine mystique. They decorated the theses and hypotheses of their scholastic theology, and serve this dry straw to their flocks, keeping them purposefully in ignorance of divine truth; because on the day and time when a man comes to know the truth, he frees himself from all pseudo-truths.

Thomas Aquinas is considered the greatest theologian of ecclesiastical Christianity; he wrote voluminous theology treatises. But, by the end of his life, he had a vision or revelation and never wrote anything again, saying: “Everything I wrote is straw”!

And when a true messenger of God appears amid these deluded people, initiated into the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, all souls thirsting for light and strength breathe relieved and full of hope, saying to themselves: “No one has ever spoken like this man. Speak like someone who has power and authority, not like our scribes and priests”.

Lay listeners do not know how to define the strange spell that happens to them; they feel something they cannot describe ... They have the impression of leaving a dungeon lit only by smoking torches, and suddenly entering the immense sunlight.

There is no greater crime than someone who assigns himself as a spiritual guide to others without having a personal experience of God and the invisible world. Profane man does little harm to his fellows because no one considers him as a guide in the uncertain paths of the spiritual universe, but the profane who considers itself initiated in the things of the spirit is a danger to another profane who consider it an enlightened one. “Blind guide leading other blind” ...

What leads a pseudo-enlightened person to present itself as enlightened is, almost always, the ambition of prestige, the greed for money or the exaggerated pride of the tyrannical ego.

Lately, the Christian West has been invaded by Eastern gurus, who surround themselves with mysteries and wear special garments, disorienting young people in particular; they use certain exotic techniques and Sanskrit terms, making the unwary believe that they are in direct contact with God. Some even recommend the use of drugs to produce the experience of the spiritual world!

All of them “stole the key to the knowledge of the kingdom of God” because that key consists of internal experience, of power from within, not conditioned by any external formality.

“The letter kills - but the Spirit gives life.”

The ritual gives external prestige - the spiritual gives internal strength.

Whoever performs the ritual without possessing the spiritual is a false prophet; stole the key to the knowledge of the kingdom of God. Deluded, deceive others. Blind, lead other blind people and both fall into the abyss of ignorance.

Ignorance of the spiritual world is darkness - experience is light.

Only those who are enlightened can enlighten others.

Only those who receive from God can give to men.

Only those who own the treasures of divinity can distribute to men, supposed that they want to receive this treasure.

The spiritual guide must comprehend that the only possibility to guide others is that it allows itself to be guided by God and that no church or sect can give it that experience. All churches and sects are like landmarks placed on the edge of the path of life, at uncertain crossroads; whoever stops at these landmarks or is content to look in the direction indicated by the arrows will never reach the end of the journey. The milestone should not be worshipped as an end, it should only be looked at as a means of guidance, and then passed. Whoever does not exceed the dogmatic milestones of its sect do not fulfil its destiny.

The soul of any religion based on the principle of belief in one divine creative power and the harmonious experience with all the beings of creation is not something that can be taught or learned intellectually, in a course of theology or interpretation of biblical terms; it is something that must be experienced and felt, and even suffered, in deep silence and solitude. At best, others can guide me to the threshold of the sanctuary, but only I can cross that threshold and find the Creator, face to face.

No one can dismiss me from the personal experience that I have of God.

No one can be good and holy in my place.

No one can be my attorney before God.

The only legitimate entry into the kingdom of God is the honest entry of personal experience.

Any guide who does not prepare its disciple so that it may, one day, have, by itself and without the help of anyone, this personal encounter with God is a blind guide, not a conductor, but a seducer.

The most glorious day for the true master is the day when it becomes superfluous and expendable, the day when the soul guided by it no longer needs guidance, because it has become spiritually autonomous and independent, to walk safely and firmly in God's paths.

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