Wednesday 14 April 2021


“It is necessary to pray always and never give up. When you say your prayer, do not do like the hypocrites who pretend to pray, standing in synagogues to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they have already received their reward. When you want to pray, do it in secret, for the Father, seeing what is happening in secret, will reward you.”

Prayer is a state of introspection, an invocation, conscious and intentional, seeking a connection with higher spirituality. The prayer within the soul engaged in struggles resembles the lamp that lights up a troubled atmosphere; the presence of light does not change the situation of that environment nor does it remove accumulated debris, however, it shows without fanfare, the service that should be done. Every true prayer is a source of creative and life-giving magnetism and every creature which cultivates it, with the proper balance of feeling, gradually becomes the radiant focus of energies and enters the atmosphere of Divinity.

“Free yourself, O man, from the disastrous error that prayer is worth for what it achieves - it is only worth for what it is.

The purpose of prayer is not to achieve any good - it is to make you good.

Being intimately good worth more than all external goods.

It is a submersion in the deep seas of the Eternal.

It is a bath of light in the Infinite sun.

It is an intense therapeutic method for the soul.

Prayer makes you better, more patient, humbler, more charitable, more serene, lighter, happier, more human and more divine - this is the true value of prayer.

It doesn't matter what you have or don't have - more important is what you are.

A man can have a lot or a little, be wise or ignorant, healthy or sick - but none of this affects his inner being.

Prayer makes a man what he should be, on the eternal level.

It acts like the sun, which wakes up the dormant seed at the bottom of the earth and gives rise to the plant.

Under the sunlight of prayer awaken in man the latent powers of his higher Self.

Springs the deep roots of the soul, expands the verdant leaves of ideas and ideals, blooming flowers of virtues, matures very rich fruits of justice and love.

Under the divine ardour of prayer, the toxins of vicious habits and the fetid odour of profane desires are neutralized ...

That is why all the superior spirits, all the great benefactors of humanity were men of prayer and friends of great spiritual concerns.

That is why every man without the love of prayer is a spiritually impoverished organism.

A plant lives and thrives only under the influx of solar brightness - the human soul cannot realize its destiny but only under the divine sun of deep and prolonged prayer...

O, man! Open the lungs of your soul to the vitalizing atmosphere of Divinity!

Breathe deeply the morning auras from the Highest!

Besides, you will have spiritual health ...

Unfailing youth ...

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