Wednesday 17 November 2021


The essay below, written by Huberto Rohden, firstly edited in 1980, refers to the quest of strange sightseeing of suspended or moving objects in the atmosphere’s space surrounding the Earth since time immemorial, including being part of ancient engravings in rocks and caves spread around different continents in the planet.

Both from the public, governments, and scientific entities, what has been noticed is that the human being is not alone in the vast Cosmos. It is tremendously naive to think that in the Universes – because the number of galaxies is incalculable – only the Earth has the privilege to receive intelligent life, both human and non-human, considering these, with their extraordinary abilities, the only ones to inhabit sidereal space.

Scientific entities and governments, and the general public keep thousands of files proving the existence of unidentified flying objects hovering over the Earth from time to time. Most notably, in modern times and recently.

Unfortunately, Rohden’s approach cannot be expected in the theory of integrating the Self into the ego, ethics in technique, science in consciousness, as he positively proclaims so that these beings could feel at ease for contact since humanity is far from moving towards full planetary solidarity since not even individuals understand each other.

What can be speculated, perhaps, is the following: it is known that the planet has been suffering since its formation, constant seismic changes, since the Earth is a work in progress; has its axis of rotation inclined; it revolves around itself at an approximate speed of 1,700 km/h and around the sun at 110,000 km/h; suffers daily from the exploitative activity of man; climate change causing disasters; glaciers and poles melting down and moving untold masses of water; the impacts of wars and experiments with extremely high-powered bombs, atomic or not, where some penetrate the ground and only then explode; the thousands of tons of space junk compromising communications, etc., all these factors can contribute to a physical destabilization of the planet and its trajectory, causing a possible change in this harmony and compromise of the solar system itself in a chain reaction able to disharmonize a segment of the galaxy itself.

Are extraterrestrial visitors not approaching to warn humanity of the risk it runs if it does not integrate into universal harmony?


“Today, it is possible to admit as highly probable, not to say certain, the existence of other conscious beings, in different regions of the Universe.

In the past, the Earth was considered the centre of the Universe, when it has been known for a long time that it is just an insignificant particle of the Cosmos.

And this was, therefore, the first blow suffered by man’s cosmocentric vanity.

Today, humanity is on the verge of suffering an even more significant blow, in knowing that human beings are not the only ones to inhabit the vast Cosmos. And that humanity is not even the most evolved because everything makes us believe that it is still a kind of kindergarten of the Universe, bodily, mentally, spiritually.

The words of Christ Jesus about the “many dwellings in the Father’s house” take on an increasingly plausible aspect.

This logical probability may soon become scientific certainty.

The question regarding “flying saucers” is this: Why don’t they come into direct contact with the Earth’s inhabitants?

Everything suggests that planetary or space visitors are waiting for an opportunity on humans, as they cannot yet reveal the secrets of the superiority of their science and technique, while human ethics - deplorably selfish and greedy - do not match their science and technique.

Given what cosmic visitors know about humans, they are convinced that humanity is not in a position to take knowledge, and without prejudice, of the advanced science and technique of extraterrestrials. Until our days, almost all the techno-scientific achievements of men were used to destroy and not to build, more for evil than for the good of humanity. Human intelligence progresses at giant steps while consciousness crawls as slow as a worm.

When ethics equal technique, when consciousness goes hand in hand with science, the other cosmic inhabitants will directly contact the Earth and reveal the mystery of its progress.

Who is the telluric man to this day? Nothing but an animal... a slightly intellectualized beast that has perverted his instinct in exchange for luciferlike intelligence. Known humanity is by no means “made in the image and likeness of God,” referred to in Genesis. One cannot see in man the “crown of creation” - in this bipedal animal whose intelligence has made him the most dangerous creature on the planet, for the vast majority still lives to crawl along the barren plains of mediocrity. The intellectualization of instinct turned men into monsters of greed and aggression, whose claws and teeth were perfected in the form of weapons of mass destruction, making this intellectualization a disgusting caricature of wanton sexualism and a hell of physical and mental illnesses that none another being of nature knows or has experienced.

Man has not overcome his negative intelligence in exchange for the positive reason; he still places himself in the sphere of intellect and not reason, as stated by Teilhard de Chardin. He is an intelligent animal but not rational, a rare phenomenon since rational man is a sporadic entity on Earth.

And that is the reason why the cosmic neighbours cannot yet come into direct contact with the telluric man.

And what to do then?

Nothing can be expected from governments or churches, which only deal with instruction or moralization. They are physical entities moving on the ego’s horizontal level and are not interested in the vertical metaphysical dimension of the Self. None of the planet’s governments is interested in the education of the conscience, but only instructions in science – however, science does not make man better; none of the humankind’s greatest evildoers was illiterate.

Many believe that Christian churches are educational and make man better. In reality, the clergy theologies of all churches are only moralizing and not educational. They want the man to be morally rewarded after death. As if the morality practised out of hope for a reward or fear of punishment was not a disguised and anti-pedagogical selfishness. Consequently, nothing can be expected from civil and religious powers.

All that remains is for humanity to realize themselves, discovering their individual path through the jungle of terrestrial life, proceeding as solitary pilgrims, opening paths in virgin forest, or trails in impassable deserts.

Fortunately, in every human being dwells within the divine compass of his conscience, that speaker of the Infinite’s voice. It remains, therefore, to listen to the silent voice of the central Self and follow the path indicated by this magnetic needle.

Christian theologians have distorted the message of Jesus - but within every man remains, dormant or awake, the Christ because every soul is Christlike by its very nature.

If the Christlike Self integrates the luciferlike ego within itself, if ethics equal technique, if science becomes integrated into consciousness, only then Earth can be visited by planetary or space neighbours.

Consequently, be very welcome, planetary and space friends.”

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