Thursday 18 November 2021


With the definitive overcoming of the ego by the Self, the integral man will appear, the man who, in Genesis, is called “the image and likeness of God”. In contrast, the partial man is only the “breath of God”, who can be so much defeated or victorious over the “serpent hiss”.

Although he continues unceasingly in the inseparable struggle of ascending evolution, the integral man is always victorious and never defeated by the partial man. In him dwells all the plenitude of God.

The whole purpose of man’s existence consists of this evolutionary itinerary of making man towards perfection, towards a perfect man, fully realized.

This man does not profess any religion but is profoundly religious because he sees a Supreme Power in all things in the Universe; as Einstein says: he may not be a Christ, but he is a Christ-cosmic man.

This man is not good to deserve heaven, nor to fear hell, but because he realized in himself his nature, that Kingdom of Heaven, which is in every human being as a “hidden treasure”, as a “light under of the candlestick”, as a “precious pearl”.

He doesn’t expect to come to an end and stagnate, but he knows he’s at the end of the journey at any stage of it because he’s in the right direction, which is his eternal life.

The evolutionary itinerary of the integral man is an unfinished symphony. According to an enlightened master, “the great challenge for contemporary man is his self-discovery. Not only the identification of his needs, but mainly his emotional reality, his legitimate aspirations and reactions in the face of everyday occurrences, and, through the deepening of intimate discoveries, the scale of values changes and new meanings emerge for his struggle, which contributes to tranquillity and self-confidence”.

The integral man is neither polytheistic nor monotheistic, but pure monist because he knows that God is the one “in which he lives, move and have his existence”; his cathedral is in every creature, and his altar is in his own heart.

The integral man knows that God and the devil, heaven and hell, are factors of his conscience, positive or negative, which he can perpetuate or annihilate by the creative power of his free will.

The integral man does not expect salvation after death but realizes heaven in his entire life. His religiosity does not consist in dogmas, sacraments, rituals, churches but in the mystical awareness of the unique paternity of God overflowing in the ethical experience of the Universal brotherhood of men.

Respect all beliefs because he knows that they are a necessary evil to lead novice travellers through the complex paths of the journey.

The integral man knows that without resistance, there is no evolution. That is why he rejoices in all the obstacles on his pilgrimage, in the prelude to his resurrection and self-realization.

In a cosmoramic vision, the integral man encompasses all sacred books, from Genesis, through the Gospel, to the Apocalypse. He knows that the creation of humanity was not a tragic failure of the Godhead, but a vast panorama through ups and downs, of lights and shadows, of victories and falls, because the self-realization of just one man is the most stupendous wonder of all the achievements of the Universe. He knows that man was created imperfect, but he might make himself more perfect on the way to perfection than he was created.

The integral man knows that, in his earthly life, he must forge the weapons that will lead him victoriously across the battlefields of other worlds in perpetual upward evolution. He knows that human existence is life after life, day after day, whose nocturnal interstice is called “death” by novice and still ignorant travellers.

The integral man knows that someone has already fully completed this evolutionary itinerary and lit lighthouses on distant beaches to guide human pilgrims on their night crossing. He knows that terrestrial life is not worth the facts he discovers outside of himself, but the values he realizes within his being and that this self-worth is every man’s supreme destiny and eternal life.

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