Friday 21 May 2021


Everything in the Universe evolves.


Living beings of lesser consciousness are vehicles through which life flows towards other living beings of greater consciousness, for the expansion of consciousness, is the foundation of evolution and of Life itself.


In minerals, consciousness is limited, manifesting itself only through cohesion and repulsion. Among the vegetables, there is a greater degree of freedom which is called: tropism. In animals, there is an instinct, and in the superior ones, the first vestiges of a new dimension are manifested: the faculty of intelligence.


From the moment when the living being became intellectual, aware of itself, it existential problem began. For, driven out of Eden from its unconsciousness, it found himself at the level of a semi-consciousness in search of a full, yet distant, consciousness.


And here lies the happy tragedy of man.


He yearns to be what he is not yet dynamically, but which he potentially feels he is, representing his metaphysical restlessness that will only end with the full expansion of his consciousness.


When a man makes his individual conscience coincide with the universal or cosmic conscience, it is when he will have realized his destiny in himself, and one of the ways to reach this goal is through the practice of renunciation and orate.


The great initiates in spiritual things insist on these two premises for man to be fully realized: renounce and orate.


However, few know what it is to renounce and orate.


Renouncing does not necessarily refer to the abandonment of material goods, but rather to the detachment of an unreal mental state, thinking and wanting. What makes man's self-realization impossible is his identification with his ego. Whoever does not let go of this attachment to the ego cannot be fulfilled in spirit and truth.


The man-ego is the man-Self, but in the embryonic stage, in formation, potential.


The man-Self is fundamentally the man-ego himself, but in an advanced state, fully mature, dynamic.


When man detaches himself from thinking and wanting, he makes detachment from the act of possessing easy and spontaneous. The renunciation of material goods is only a corollary, a consequence, of renouncing a mental illusion, false thinking and a false will.


The soul of renunciation is the detachment from traditional identification with the physical-mental-emotional ego. Once a man has renounced his mental-emotional having, it is easy to renounce his material having.


It may be that material renunciation is not necessary, or advisable, but mental-emotional renunciation is always indispensable.


An equally misunderstood word is “orating”, which many identify with praying. Praying is a transient act of the ego; orating is a permanent attitude of the Self. To orate is an opening of the soul to the Infinite, to Reality, to the Soul of the Universe, which is Divinity itself.


The cosmic attitude called orate, is perfectly compatible with any professional work, with any activity of the ego. True orating does not hinder work but benefits it greatly. Whoever works in the light of orating works with greater joy, sympathy and lightness, for this attitude has a halo of poetry and beauty in all work, however humble it may be.


For this reason, the imperative to “orate always” is not just a postulate of spiritual life, but a recommendation for professional and social life.


Little by little, the man of permanent orating and renunciation finds that these two imperatives formulated by Jesus are not two, but one. The man who keeps himself in cosmic vibration finds that this attitude of conscience of not having the will to have something, but to be someone, has discovered that everything objective is pure illusion, and only the subjective someone is the truth. Being someone, eclipses having something.


The experience of self-knowledge nullifies all desire to possess.


The truth of the Self nullifies all ego illusions.


Renouncing everything and orating are essentially identical, always.


For this reason, man in constant orating and renunciation does not consider himself virtuous; he only knows that the truth has freed him from illusions, so he is a deeply peaceful and happy man.


Restless and unhappy is every man as long as he wants to have something - peaceful and happy is every man who is someone.


“Whoever does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.”


“Orate always, and never stop orating.”


To renounce everything is to orate always.

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