Saturday 8 May 2021


Albert Einstein, this brilliant scientist-visionary-mystic, humanist and universal, once stated that: “From the world of facts - it does not lead any path to the world of values, for values come from another region.”

Fact is science - value is consciousness!

Because man knows and lives the objective world, he is confused when determining any definitive goal for his human activity. The objective knowledge of phenomena provides man with powerful instruments for the achievement of certain ends - but the ultimate end and the desire for its realization must come from other regions.

Value is synonymous with Reality, captured consciously or cosmically, which is intuition, inspiration, revelation itself - whereas facts are only quantitative facticities. And all facticities are fictitious, unreal, relative.

Then, arises this great problem: if the facts do not lead man to Reality, how to achieve it? And perhaps, that is the answer: no man can reach Reality - but it can reach man, as long as that man is ready to be reached. No one can find God - but God can find a man if he allows himself to be found.

“When the disciple is ready (attainable, allowing to be found), that is when the master appears (reaching, finding the disciple).”

It is what in religion is called the “mystery of grace”. No one can cause, deserve a spiritual gift - but that gift can be given, if man creates in himself the conducive environment to that reception, in becoming receptive. Man can never be the cause of a spiritual effect, but he can be a condition for the cause to produce the effect. One cannot produce sunlight but can open a window towards the sun, and the environment will be illuminated because a favourable condition has been added to that illumination by opening the window; however, that opening the window is not the cause, just a condition, so that the cause, the sun, can produce its effect.

No man can invade the realm of Truth - but the Truth can invade man if he allows himself to be invaded. “The words I say to you I do not speak on my authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his deeds.”

Considering this, the only correct attitude of man towards the Infinite is a silent and hungry receptivity to God. When the ego-emptiness is perfected, Theo-plenitude will fulfil the ego-emptiness in man. In other beings of nature, the Infinite Plenitude always fills vacuums - but in the conscious being, this fullness depends on the presence of a conscious vacuity created by man. The Cosmic Laws established something like a resistance to the proud, ego-filled men, but they offer their grace to the humble, to the poor by the spirit. It is against the laws of cosmic mathematics that Infinite Plenitude can fill finite beings; Infinite Plenitude can only fulfil finite vacuums, that is, vacuums in non-human nature, and conscious vacuums in man.

This attitude of receptivity is usually created and nurtured in silence and solitude - just as in nature the female almost always seeks a solitary place to give birth to her offspring; the human being needs silence and solitude to conceive, gestate and give birth to its mental or spiritual offspring. Geniuses and mystics are silent. And God is the Infinite Silence. The more one is attuned in God, the more silent, solitary and solidary is. Silence and solitude are cosmic societies, they are the most intense presence of Reality; noise and society are, almost always, the absence of Reality.

The silent Reality is inversely proportional to the noisy facts.

“Never speak, if you are not sure that your speech is worth more than your silence”.

Almost nothing is known about the 30 years of Jesus' childhood and youth, and very little of his public life. And what happened during the 40 days and nights of his stay in the desert? There was a great silence, which revealed the most intense and unparalleled document of mankind, The Sermon on the Mount, the materialization of the Cosmic Laws!

“If all the sacred books of humanity were lost, and only the Sermon on the Mount was saved, nothing would be lost.” (Mahatma Gandhi)

What happens in silence can only be known to the ones who live in silence - those who know how to silence verbally, mentally, emotionally... Those who still live in the noise of words, thoughts and emotions know nothing about Reality, which only speaks through silence, as God, the Infinite Reality.

The evil of Christian churches and spiritualist organizations is the fact that they can only speak of what Jesus said - ignoring what he didn’t say... Whoever has not learned the supreme art of silence cannot speak with plenitude, can only chatter with emptiness.

Speaking is a material presence and a spiritual absence - silence is a spiritual presence, even in material absence. One must speak only when the spiritual plenitude of silence requires an overflow into the material channels of speech; without this, all verbalizations are pure camouflage and quackery - a kind of crime, an obnoxious spiritual fraud...

Speaking without silence is a body without a soul - a corpse... and the world is full of these talking corpses, these noisy voids, these dazzling soap bubbles, beautiful from the outside but empty from the inside.

One should never speak unless the plenitude of silence forces it to do so, because most of the time, speaking is not worth for what it represents, but only for being silent...

“Simply let your Yes be Yes, and your No, No. Anything more comes from the evil one.”

If such beautiful things say the Gospel of what Jesus said - how stupendous must have been the things he kept in silence... His receptivity to the Father reached its zenith during his long silence.

Few know the mystery of silence from experience. For most people, silence means absence, emptiness - when in reality it is presence and plenitude. All the great enlightened people that humanity knows have lived long periods of absolute solitude and silence...

It is of little use that man travels the world in search of wisdom - the worlds must travel through him, not to fill him with noise, but to intensify his silence...

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