Thursday 27 May 2021


It tells the story of times gone by, that the origin and nature of man had come directly from God, as a perfect being, but Satan caused his fall; after the fall, God sent a Savior to mankind to restore what Satan had destroyed.

More recently, Darwin's theory of man's descent from being’s inferior to him has prevailed among scientists.

But neither theory is acceptable by logic or in history.

The man was, at first, a true human being, but at a less advanced stage of his evolution, both physically and spiritually.

There was no fall, as religions claim.

What has been and continues to be is a struggle between the two basic principles of human nature: spirit and matter. Matter manifests itself, in the beginning, as a mind where, in Genesis, appears in the symbolic form of the serpent, while the spirit is called the breath of God.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience... We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Teilhard de Chardin

Man's task is not to extinguish the mental element and develop the spiritual side. The task of human life and evolution is to establish harmony between the breath of God and the hiss of the serpent.

Man is the master of his destiny and captain of his soul.

To the man was given the potential to evolve, from a less advanced stage - which is that of today's Adamic man - to the most advanced stage - that of the Christlike man of the future, for God created man as little as possible so that he could create, develop, evolve even more until he reaches the Christlike state of his full evolution.


The origin of humans remains under a veil of mystery, where materialist theories about its origin multiply, bumping into what is called the “missing link”, a moment in history that science cannot identify yet.

With scientific and metaphysical advancement, a time will come when the idea that man has always existed, will be accepted, however, not coming from any inferior non-human being. Both man and all other beings of nature that existed and exist are part of the idea of creation, of the mental laboratory of the Cosmic Powers, and in this, an analogy can be drawn with the question that is asked in all spheres of relationships: Who came first, the egg or the chicken? And the obvious answer is, the idea was born first! The man may have used different garments in the course of his pilgrimage on earth, however, the man - the idea - was the basic principle.

To humans were given the potential to be eternal or to dissolve in the ether, according to the direction given by their free will.

His physical characteristics changed over the millennia, due to the customs and cultures in which he lived and lives, such as his craniofacial characteristics; the paleolithic man had a pronounced upper and lower splanchnic region, where the masticatory organs are located, including the fourth molars, but with the upper portion of the skull reduced. With the advancement of intellect and less rudimentary food, the brain developed, giving the appearance of today's man. The man of the future, one day will have other craniofacial characteristics, the reduced splanchnic region and the enlarged brain, but man, as an idea, essence, has always been the same, today as in his remote past. So, the assertion that the Creador “created man as little as possible so that he could create himself as much as possible” is perfectly acceptable!

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