Monday 24 May 2021


 What was God to Albert Einstein?

Albert Einstein, this brilliant man of science, universal, visionary, humanist and mystic, while lecturing at numerous universities, was often asked: “Mr Einstein, do you believe in God?”

And he answered: “I believe in the God of Spinoza.”

However, anyone who had never read Spinoza did not understand.

Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) was a Dutch philosopher considered one of the three great rationalists of the XVII century, as well as Descartes and Leibniz; rationalism prioritizes reason as a path to find the Truth.

This is the God, Intuition or Nature, according to Spinoza:

God would have said: “Stop immediately to keep on praying and beating your chest. What I want is for you to go out into the world to reap the rewards of it. I want you to enjoy, sing, have fun, to be pleased with all that I have presented to you in this world. Stop going into those dark mournful temples that you built saying they are my home. My home is in the mountains, in the bushes, rivers, beaches. It is there where I live and express my love for you.

Stop blaming me for your miserable life. I never told you that you had something bad in you, or that you were a sinner or that your sexuality was something reproachable. Sex is a gift that I gave you to express your love, your ecstasy, your joy.

So do not blame me for everything that someone made you believe.

Avoid reading holy scriptures that have nothing to do with me. If you cannot read my presence at a dawn, in a landscape, in the eyes of your friends, in the eyes of your children, you will not find me in any book.

Trust in me, have faith in my existence; I do my work but do not be petulant to the point of demanding how I should do this work of mine.

Stop being afraid of me. I do not judge you; I do not criticize you; I do not get angry; I do not bother or punish you. I AM PURE LOVE.

Stop asking me for forgiveness, for there is nothing to forgive. If I have created you, if I have filled you with passion, with pleasures, with boundlessness, with feelings, with needs, with incoherence, if I gave you free will, how can I blame you for the skills I created in you?

How can I punish you for being as you are if it was I who created you?

Do you believe that I built a place in the Cosmos to judge all my children who did not behave, punishing them for all eternity?

What kind of god can do that?

Please... beware of any kind of commandment, any kind of laws. These laws are traps to control and manipulate you and that serve only to induce blame on you.

Respect your fellow men. Do not do to others what you do not want for yourself. The only thing that I ask of you is that you pay attention to your life, that you watch yourself, that your state of alert is your guide.

My beloved creature... this life is not a test, nor a step in the path, neither a prelude to paradise. This life right now is the only one you have, here and now, and that's the only thing you need.

I created you free.

There are no rewards and no punishments, no sins and no virtues. Nobody carries a table or a record of your actions, reactions and attitudes with them, to later judge you. You are free to create in your life, a heaven or a hell, but always remember that: what in your life you plant, you will be forced to reap.

I could not tell if there is anything after this life. But I can give you some advice: Live as if nothing else existed, as if this were your only opportunity to enjoy, to love, to exist. In this way, if there is nothing after this life, you will have the opportunity to enjoy what I gave you. And if there is, I assure you that I will not ask: Did you like it, did you enjoy yourself, what did you most enjoy, what did you learn of it?

Stop believing me. To believe is vague, to suppose, to guess, to imagine...

I do not want you to believe in me. I want you to feel my presence in you. I want you to kiss your beloved, when you dress your children when you caress another being, human or not, when you take a bath in the sea, to feel in everything my presence and the presence of everything in you.

Avoid praising me!

What kind of egomaniac god do you think I am? It is annoying when they praise me. It tires me when you thank me. If you feel grateful, thank you for taking care... of your health, of your relationships with the world. If you feel surprised, excited, express your joy. And that's the way to praise me.

Stop complicating things, constantly repeating what they taught you about me.

The only sure thing is that you are here, that you are alive and that this world is full of wonders.

Why do you need another miracle? Show only gratitude to everything ... for everything conspires on your behalf.

Why so many explanations?

Do not seek me anywhere, for you will not find me. Look for me inside of you. That's where I am... pulsating in you!”  

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