Tuesday 25 May 2021


Life explores - love is explored...

That is why love and life are incompatible.

Eternal antagonists - mortal enemies...

In the day and time when you comprehend this, my unknown friend, deep melancholy will envelop your soul and immense anguish will invade your heart...

You will seek to escape this imperfect and paradoxical world for you cannot love without living – nor want to live without love.

To live is to fight - to love is to be sacrificed.

To conquer living spaces, it is necessary to eliminate the neighbour - to love, it is necessary to let oneself be eliminated.

Crucify love - and set the explorer free!

Life is violent, cruel; it asserts itself under the force of violence, with the crackling of the machine gun and the deadly fury of armoured tanks.

The “struggle for existence” ruthlessly eliminates one which is weak and preserves the strong - so that the material world can evolve.

Love shelters the fragile, embrace what is imperfect, cares for the outcast, dresses the anonymous orphan, wipes widow’s tears and has consideration for the wounds of the leper, kisses beggar’s rags, turn his back on the strong and happy and always seeks who is weak and unhappy.

Love is the reverse of life.

It is the nocturnal face of life that fades away under the glows of daylight.

It is the escape from the pinnacle and the quest for the nothingness of human existence.

Life kills to avoid death - love lets itself be killed so others may live.

Love yields to others its place under the sun sunlight - and it submerges itself in the shadows.

Only the man, who has freed himself from the bondage of matter can have love.

Independence or death!

Or to proclaim the sovereignty of the spirit over the brutality of matter - or love murdered by the selfishness of life.

Love is the most powerful affirmation of the spirit.

It is an anticipation of eternal life, where the mastery of the spirit will be absolute.

When this mortal life is ended, the most perfect harmony between love and life will succeed in the present disharmony.

There will be no more explorer or exploited.

And then, love and life will celebrate a peace treaty and the symphony of untroubled happiness will be sung…

Eternal life...

Immortal love... 

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