Wednesday 15 September 2021


The argument that a church that nominates saints is itself holy, as an organized church, is untenable in the face of impartial logic. True saints have little or nothing to do with the artificial arrangements of an organization which is the creation of the human intellect; intellect often tainted by personal or group interests. And most of the churches, sects, cults, creeds etc., which in the name of holiness they think to represent, are committing the greatest folly against those who follow them.

And this is a historical factor that has dragged on for centuries, in the orders and excesses of so-called religious organizations committed to hypocrisy, greed and mediocrity, far from the precepts of morals and ethics, and thus betraying the divine messages of the prophets they represent. As a rule, its leaders are evil, selfish, and accumulate vast fortunes thanks to the dishonest norms they created through tithing to meet the needs of the poorest devotees and the church itself.

Francis of Assisi and Thomas Aquinas were personalities as diverse as day and night and living in the thirteenth century within the same ecclesiastical organization when the leaders of that church were the worst kind of humans in history. Thomas Aquinas, in keeping with the mentality of that moment, approved and defended in his Summa Theologica and the Summa contra Gentiles the validity of the death penalty and the violent extermination of heretics - while Francis of Assisi, in his vast Mystical Intuition, is a friend to all living beings.

There are saints in all religions - which does not prove that these religions are good.

Holiness is an attribute of the individual and not of an ecclesiastical organization.

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