Friday 10 September 2021


Happiness - this is the cry of every creature.

All the rest lies in between - only happiness is an end.

Nobody wants to be happy for something. They want to be happy to enjoy happiness!

Happiness is the ultimate self-realization of being.

However, what is it to be happy?

To be happy is to be in perfect harmony with the constitution of the Universe, whether consciously or unconsciously.

The nonhuman nature is also happy - it lives happiness that is conditioned to its stage of existential evolution - a happiness that is in attunement with the universal harmony unless this harmony is disturbed by man or other agents.

Here on planet Earth, only man can be consciously happy - and consciously unhappy.

Nature possesses conditioned happiness, always fulfilling its role in the field of evolution - man can possess positive happiness or misfortune.

With the man begins the bifurcation of the line established by nature; begins the strange phenomenon of freedom amid universal necessity.

Nature knows only a duty established by the Cosmic Powers, something compulsory. The man knows a spontaneous willingness, either towards the positive or towards the negative.

The universal desire is happiness - and yet few men call themselves happy. Most of humanity has the potentiality or possibility to be happy - few have dynamic or realized happiness. The power to be happy is an incubated happiness, but not yet born - to be happy is happiness hatched.

Where there is no self-knowledge, i.e., the experience of the divine reality of the spiritual Self, there is no happiness, peace, joy. While man knows only his physical-mental-emotional ego, he lives in the environment of war and armistice; when he discovers his spiritual Self, then he makes the great treatise of peace and joy in the temple of the Liberating Truth.

Therefore, man's happiness depends on the panoramic view he has of his total existence. This vision does not only cover the few decades of his earthly life but also of the afterlife. It is certain that man, when he leaves his earthly garb, continues to exist consciously in other regions of the Cosmos, for an earthly living is an insignificant part of his total existence, and it is therefore important for the man to acquire, here on Earth, the certainty of his cosmic experience.

Happiness is not enjoying all the pleasures, the ephemeral illusions offered on the material level, but living in harmony with the Truth. Often this harmony demands sacrifice, suffering, renunciation, and the abandonment of immediate pleasures. And it is here that humanity divides into happy and unhappy individuals. The panoramic view of the existence of man has nothing to do with any religion or philosophy. It is an inner experience that man acquires when he removes all the obstacles that can prevent it. It is difficult to explain to the ignorant what this experience consists of. Man must first guess and feel, as by empathy, this experience of the Universe’s soul, which is his own soul.

Some regard human nature as a deposit of good and bad things. In fact, there is nothing good or bad about human nature. The good and the bad only appear with the advent of free will; where does the good man or the bad man emerge. Good is all that is in harmony with the Cosmic Laws; bad is what is in disharmony. Good and bad are not objective facts; they are subjective values, metaphysical creations... The sole purpose of man's terrestrial existence must start with analysis in self-knowledge and the constant evaluation of the meaning of his existence, from the answer to the questions: Who am I, where do I come from, and to where am I going? From the search for the solution of the purpose of life to the consequent self-realization. And the only disaster in this pilgrimage is his self-defeat, for those alienated or anesthetized by the ephemeral illusions of their external circumstances.


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