Friday 24 September 2021


Israel's spiritual leaders - priests, scribes and Pharisees - were the only men against whom Jesus used words of vehement criticism, sometimes harsh. He calls them "whitewashed tombs", "blind guides leading the blind", accuses them of "devouring the homes of widows and orphans, on the pretext of long prayers", of "praying on street corners to be seen by the gentiles". In the parable of the Good Samaritan, he shows how two officials of the Israeli church, the priest and the Levite, saturated with ecclesiastical liturgy, were devoid of human ethics.

However, the most severe rebuke he hurled at the synagogue leaders was this: "But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye shut the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye enter not in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering in to enter!"

This is the curse of many religious masters throughout the ages; instead of showing the right direction, they offer the devotees the wrong one. They made it impossible, with their human doctrines, that the well-meaning but ignorant could enter the Kingdom of God, for they took the theologies of the priests as if they were a revelation of God. That they are not indeed enlightened by God, but only ordained by men. They lack the deep vertical of direct experience of the spiritual world, which is why they are content with the vast horizontal of human, liturgical, sacramental, theological precepts. The more their human dogmatism hypertrophies, the more they atrophy the divine mystique. They memorised the theses and hypotheses of their scholastic theology and serve this dry and indigestible straw to their flocks, purposefully keeping them in ignorance of divine truth, for in the day and hour when a man comes to know the truth, he frees himself from all pseudo-truths.

Thomas Aquinas is considered the greatest theologian of ecclesiastical Christianity; he wrote voluminous theology treatises. However, toward the end of his life, he had a vision or revelation and never wrote anything again, saying: "I can't do it anymore. Everything I wrote seems like straw next to what I saw".

And when an avatar appears among these deluded people, a messenger of God initiated into the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, all souls thirsting for light and strength breathe relieved and full of hope, saying to themselves: "No one has ever spoken like this man... He speaks as one who has power and authority, not like our scribes and priests".

Those who heard Jesus' words did not know how to define the strange spell that befell them; they felt something they could not describe. They felt like they were stepping out of a dark dungeon lit only by smoking torches and suddenly stepping into the ample sunlight.

There is no greater crime than setting himself up as a spiritual guide for others without personal experience of God and the invisible world. The profane man does little harm to his fellow men because no one considers him a guide in the uncertain paths of the spiritual universe. Still, the profane man who calls himself an initiate is a danger to others who think him enlightened, for he is nothing else than a "blind guide leading the blind."


The Sanskrit word avatar means “descended”, and designates an entity of high spiritual evolution that resolves to descend from its height on the Cosmos to the lower regions of Earth.

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