Friday 10 September 2021


Universal Christlike Love is the cosmic denomination of love that is free from any bondage, religions, races, doctrinal or philosophical aspects, independent of interests or groups. The Christlike man loves all; he is not sectarian rather universal, he is solidary and fraternal, receptive to the various paths that lead him to the Highest, to the encounter with the Divinity.

The Christ Jesus – one of the greatest representatives of this love - was at no time a separatist and never founded a church or instituted the priesthood. He never belonged to any official ecclesiastical career, which even today dislikes the religious; taught the divine truths that can transform the world, being outside of any clergy; was an independent, universalist, having gathered as followers of his sublime ministry the humble fishermen. For him, the true priesthood depended on the goodness of the feelings and the concretely realized deeds.

Jesus demanded nothing to attain perfection. The requested sacrifice was the one that shattered pride, vanities, and passions. It is spirit, feeling and heart: no scapegoats, no offerings, no rituals, no observances, and outward demonstrations. His religious code is goodness and morality, which must be exercised. It is not the outward adoration, the homage, the force of the hidden mysteries that elevate the being, but the intimate worship of each one validated by the accomplished deeds. He respected all forms of ceremonies, but, as a cosmic therapist, a physician of souls did not prescribe any ceremony as essential for the perfection and merit of the spirit.

Humans still cannot divest themselves from the forms, the exteriorities, the instruments of faith. The Gospel does not condemn them, and it is possible to do them without contradicting the teachings of Jesus. They are to be performed as a means of worship for the truly spiritual, stimulating inner introspection and veneration of the Divinity, not as the premise of an obligation essential to the salvation of souls or as the prerogative of any religious institution.

Jesus always valued deeds, achievements. He was never bound to any temple, being all his accomplishment - while on Earth - in the field, amid the people, in the open and subject to the elements of nature. His temple was the Cosmos, the Universe; the heavenly vault his mainstay; and his altar was his love for all who surrounded him.

And to realize the Christlike spirit is to love unselfishly, to rise by one's own sacrifice, to walk with equality and fraternity among the fellow-men; offering the internal worship of veneration to the Cosmic Powers; prevailing in the heart the feeling of humility; to know fallibility as a creature immersed in the gross body of the flesh; to individual conquest, be committed to the truth and having God internalized through the merit of good deeds.

The Christ Jesus, when he called the righteous on his right, spoke: “For you gave food to the hungry and water to the thirsty, to the pilgrim a place to rest, clothed the naked and visited the sick and the imprisoned, Come, blessed of my Father.”

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