Wednesday 22 September 2021


Human beings today are living through one of the most dangerous periods of their existence: they are trying to manufacture a standardized, pre-fabricated, made-to-measure culture; a kind of personality-levelling one, brainwashed and easily offered like pills, of quick acceptance and digestion for all that a coloured screen device has to offer.

The vast majority of them live anesthetized by the media, with almost no critical spirit; everything is accepted, everything adapts to everything, and, worse, humans are adjusting to this condition. And so, the system prevails by producing human robots!

In the social order, the premise is correct: "all are equal before the law"; however, no two people are alike in the individual mandate. Nature is not a democracy but a cosmic hierarchy.

Unfortunately, to our standardized pseudo-culture, no one has the right to be itself anymore - it must become who others are. The idolatry of dazzling emptiness has climaxed at such profane popularity in all sectors of life, showing that the modern man has abdicated his personality and become an amorphous figure amid the amorphous mass living the emptiness of a hectic life.

After falsifying and modifying practically everything made - including food, fruits, vegetables and cereals - those of animal origin and medicines - man fakes his own subject, replacing his personal criterion with the cliché of public opinion. Consequently, they buy what the publicists tell them to buy for man is not the one who thinks; he is thought by others. This is particularly true among the children, vulnerable innocents, whose personalities are developing and insulted by this kind of violence.

--- It is forbidden to think!

--- It is not permitted to be somebody!

--- It is not allowed to say what others do not speak!

--- It is not allowed to do what the neighbour does not do!

--- It is forbidden to walk new paths!

--- It is prohibited to open closed doors!

--- It's forbidden not to be politically correct!

--- It is not permitted to climb the Himalayas in search of new horizons!

--- But... it's not prohibited to crawl along the barren plains of mediocrity!

This is the portrait of a modern man, who sings hymns to freedom - in the shadow of his shackles and prisons... for most of them have become a disgusting caricature of what in his intimate essence, man is not!

Personality - while personal action, interests, behavioural patterns, emotional responses, and social role - have become taboo! We are no longer an individual personality, rather puppets.

Others, desiring to be themselves, fall into exoticism no less ridiculous. They adorn themselves with all forms of props and tattoos, feeling free on the outside but empty on the inside, and fail to give their freedom its creative content. They are free from something - and they do not know what they are free for. For them, freedom is an end, not a means to something more significant - and their freedom ends in licentiousness...

May, our sufferings, created by ourselves, be the prelude to our redemption!

However, this redemption does not come from external agents, from third parties, nor from the peripheries of our tyrannical ego - redemption comes from the centre of our divine Self because it manifests itself silently, mysteriously and even invisibly to human eyes. This proper redemption is in its essence, spiritual in its character.

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