Saturday 4 December 2021


The constant pressures suffered by man, which generate fear, often extrapolate in the form of violence to conquer freedom. In the world of non-humans, when restricted in their movements, they react to prison and struggle, until exhaustion, in an attempt to free themselves. In the same way, the man, suffering limits, aspires for the breadth of new horizons and fights for his independence.

It is perfectly normal for citizens to commit themselves to their liberation, a valuable step in their self-conquest. However, little enlightened and victimized by the repressions that elude him, man uses the instruments of rebellion, unleashing struggles and violence to achieve what he aspires to as a fundamental condition of happiness.

However, violence never offers real freedom.

Violence can, eventually and temporarily, relieve man from the oppression of obligations imposed by chaotic and unjust society, favouring him with materialities and financial gains.

However, this is not freedom in its most profound sense. These are achievements of a different nature, in the areas of the needs of groups and human agglomerations, far from being the goal of completeness, perhaps constituting a means to enable the realization of the next step, which is self-knowledge.

Violence retains, but nothing offers, as it always opens perspectives for future clashes under the action of more incredible cruelty. The successive wars are supported by poorly formulated peace treaties, when violence sealed, with submission, the fate of the nation or the people subjected...

The rebellious instinct is part of the human psyche. For example, the child who persists in using the negative affirms its identity, externalizing the unconscious longing to be free because, lacking responsibility, it cannot comprehend what this means.

Only through responsibility, man frees himself without becoming wanton or foolish.

The society that speaks on behalf of successful people establishes that freedom is the right to do what suits each person, without realizing that this liberation of will ends up creating obstacles to the rights of others, promoting individual struggles of those who feel oppressed, provoking the violence of groups and classes, whose rights are dilapidated.

If each individual acts as he sees fit, considering himself liberated, this action favours anarchy, responsible for unlimited excesses.

In the name of freedom, the sellers of shameful passions act dishonestly, which spreads the criminal odour of the goods of pleasure and madness.

The so-called sexual liberation, without the corresponding emotional maturity and spiritual dignity, debased genetic sources to a poisonous swamp, in which aberrant expressions assume legality, inspiring alienated behaviours and favouring the contamination of degenerative and destructive diseases. At the same time, providing criminal abortion, moral promiscuity, bringing man back to a stage of primitivism never before experienced.

Freedom of expression for emotionally misfits or adventurers has allowed conflicting situations to reveal themselves more normally than culture and education in conscientious and responsible individuals.

Freedom is a right that is consolidated, in the direct reason that man knows and becomes aware of himself, identifying the values that he should apply in an edifying way, respecting nature and everything that exists in it.

Ecological aggression, in the form of cruel violence against the sustaining forces of life, demonstrates that man, in the name of his freedom, destroys, mutilates, kills and kills himself for not knowing how to use it properly.

Freedom begins in thought, as a form of aspiration for good deeds, the beautiful, the ideal, which animates, sustains and maintains life.

Any behaviour of coercion, repression and violation is an adversary of freedom.

Christ Jesus, examining the question of freedom, synthesized the means to achieve it in searching for the truth, which is the only option to make a man free.

The truth, in short, which is God, the Absolute Thesis — and not the self-centred and convenient truth of each one, is a sick way of projecting one's own shadow, of imposing one's image to the detriment of the will of others — constitutes the priority goal, for God is within us. It is necessary to immerse ourselves in Its search so that we can exteriorize It with a haughty spirit and tranquillity.

External conquests are like debris obstructing the pilgrimage to the highest and meaningless when in the heights of pain, substantial distress, death, which reach everyone.

Freedom, which ends in the grave, is utopian, a liar.

Free is the Spirit that dominates and conquers itself, moving with wisdom everywhere, idealistic and loving, overcoming the imposed and pressing obligations that make the individual mean.

Even when he was incarcerated several times, Gandhi made himself the prototype of freedom, stating that “he had no message to give. My message is my life.”

Before him, Socrates remained at liberty, albeit in prison and the death that followed him later.

And Christ Jesus, whose message is the love that sets free, teaches the efficient way to conquer freedom.

No external pressure can lead to a lack of freedom when you manage to be lucid and responsible inwardly, therefore, free.

Therefore, the fear of freedom, exerted by the pressure of external factors, where political, social and economic situations establish a way of promoting the existence and survival of its institutions, subjugating others, is not justified. The man who promotes these aberrations will realize, one day, that dominating peoples, groups, classes or a person is not free either, being himself a slave to those who submit them to his whims, because, in doing so, he too is robbed of the option to live in freedom, for every form of oppression upon others is a way of living under pressure.

There is no freedom when one lies, deceives, imposes and betrays.

Freedom is an attitude towards life.

So, therefore, there is only freedom when one loves consciously.

Joanna de Ângelis

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