Thursday 9 December 2021


According to John's statement, all of Christendom learned that Christ is the “Only Begotten Son of the Father.”

Above all, it must be remembered that the word Father is equivalent to “Divinity”, which has nothing to do with a person, as it is traditionally used.

And can it be said that the Christ, the Word, the Logos, was “son” of the Divinity?

The word “son”, in common sense, presupposes a father and a mother since the bipolarity in terrestrial nature only knows an offspring as a product of a father and a mother.

But in the Divinity, there is neither father nor mother, neither giver nor receiver, neither positive nor negative. It is absolutely neutral, although this neutrality implicitly contains the positive and negative poles.

In this sense, Christ is not a son. When the Essence manifests itself in existence, there is an emanation, an efflux, a partial manifestation of the finite through the infinite Universal Divinity.

Divinity is the Essence; the creatures are the revealed existence, made manifest. However, the existence is not the total revelation of the Essence, nor even a division or dismemberment of it. Essence, as pure quality, manifests itself through quantitative existence without losing anything or being affected in its qualitative essence.

The cosmic Christ, whose fourth Gospel speaks, is the first and most perfect emanation of the Divinity, the ideal existence emanating from the Essence.

This, however, does not mean that Christ is infinitely and absolutely perfect because no existence can be of absolute perfection; if so, the emitted existence would be identical with the emitting Essence. A perfect creature is an inherently contradictory concept.

When Paul of Tarsus says that Christ is the firstborn of all creatures, he assumes that Christ is a creature and not Creator, and every creature evolves, is elastic, but none of them can equal the Creator.

To create is the partial manifestation of the Essence in the form of existence – from Creator to creature. Whereas from creation to creation is a relationship of evolution.

To create is to receive existence from the Essence – creation comes from the Whole. However, creation does not increase Reality – it only manifests Reality in facticities. On the other hand, the annihilation of existence does not imply any diminution of Reality, which is always infinite, with or without facticities.

Solomon says that the wisdom of God plays every day over all the Earth, and Eastern philosophy holds that Brahman, the Divinity, dances with nature.

Being a free act, creation is a kind of game, or ballet, that the infinite Essence makes with finite existences.

Cosmic intuition sees perfect logic in necessary freedom and free necessity, as the excellent intuitive Baruch Spinoza said in the 17th century.

Christ is the perfect emanation of the Divinity, as Paul of Tarsus observes in the Epistle to the Philippians.

According to the fourth Gospel, the material world is a creation of Christ, which is in a permanent state of evolution and resembling the perpetual flux, the constant movement of Heraclitus of Ephesus – or Einstein's relativity theory. All creatures are a transformation, a dynamic process rather than a static one. Unity, manifested in diversities, is called Universe, the Infinite revealed as finite, where the highest emanation of the infinite Divinity is the finite and evolving Christ.

Christ is the first and most perfect emanation of the Universal Divinity in the form of an individual creature. This cosmic emanation became materially perceptible in the human person of Jesus of Nazareth.

Although Christ and Jesus are inseparably united, it is not logical to simply identify Jesus with Christ.

When man, in moments of profound cosmo-consciousness, intuits the Reality beyond all facticities, he then has the exact revelation, although unthinkable and unspeakable, of the Universe, of the One Essence revealed in the various existences, that of the cosmic Christ made man, and that of the human Jesus made cosmic.

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