Wednesday 15 December 2021


More than 2000 years after the birth of Jesus, the entire humanity, Christian and non-Christian, established its chronology of time by the birth of a man who helped his father in a modest carpentry shop - and even today, this humanity does not quite know why...

The answer that Christian theologians usually give to this question is well known: “to save humanity”.

However, Jesus himself knows nothing of this supposed salvation; he never claimed that he came into the world for this purpose, and even the gospels do not quote about it.

According to Christian tradition, Jesus appeared to two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus after his crucifixion and resurrection, just as they were both mourning his death. Before the scene, Jesus asked them what was the torment, what doubts accompanied them, when he answered: “Must not the Christ suffer all this to enter into his glory?”

But not a word about the supposed salvation of humankind!

Paul of Tarsus, in the Epistle to the Philippians, writes: “He (the Christ), who was in the glory of God, did not think it necessary to cling to this divine equality; but he emptied himself of the splendours of the Divinity and became man, servant, victim, crucified. For this reason, God sovereignly exalted him and gave a name that is above all names so that, in the name of Christ, all the knees of heavenly, terrestrial and infra terrestrial beings, will bend, confessing that he is the Lord”.

Not a word about the intent to save humanity. Thus, in a veiled way, Paul made it very clear that the Christ Jesus, through the incarnation, became greater than he was, to the point that all creatures in the Universe proclaim his greatness.

In this sense, it turns to the incomprehensible question of avatars, the descent of a spiritually elevated entity, to worlds of lower spiritual vibration, such as Earth, as every avatar detaches itself from the splendours of its grandeur and descends to the smallness of inferior worlds. But… for what reason?

Not to redeem the inhabitants of these worlds but to carry out its future evolution.

However, to comprehend this strange pilgrimage in the opposite direction, it is necessary to remember that the supreme law of the Universe is evolution. No matter how evolved, no creature is at the end of its evolution. That term does not exist; every creature is on an endless journey to higher worlds.

The more freed an avatar feels, the greater is its desire to enslave itself, as the cosmic voice of its consciousness tells that this spontaneous enslavement is the only path to future liberation.

Those who are less free have no desire to enslave themselves – but those who feel freer want to enslave themselves voluntarily.

In the traditional sense, this is not about a “reincarnation”, which would be compulsory. It is instead a descent for love, for feeling freer.

The love motivating the avatar to descend is self-love, the love for greater self-realization. To “enter its glory”, the avatar externally leaves this glory and descends into the infamy of voluntary slavery, humiliation, suffering, death, as this is the only way to ascend to higher spheres, as required by the Cosmic Laws, inexorably.

The horrors suffered by Jesus at the end of his life are utterly incomprehensible except in the face of this glorious pilgrimage to an inferior sphere. So that he could say on the cross, his last and most glorious word: “It is finished”, he humbles himself to the lowest degree of servitude, contempt, voluntary discredit, where at the end of his earthly life he gathers everything that can be imagined of horrible and infamous. And, as if physical sufferings weren't enough, he added metaphysical sufferings.

On the top of Calvary, the heads of the synagogue challenge him to descend from the cross, in proof of his divine mission: “If you are the Christ, come down from the cross, and we will have faith in you”.

Probably, many of the synagogue leaders feared that Jesus would heed the challenge and descend in glory from the cross, which would be the synagogue's ultimate defeat.

Jesus, however, did not give this supreme proof of his messiahship, taking upon himself the infamy of being a false Messiah, of deceiving the people with three years of impostures and black magic.

And, to the height of humiliation, instead of descending from the cross and thus proving his divine mission, he did exactly the opposite: he cried out in a loud voice: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

As they heard these words, Jesus' enemies must have been satisfied with derision and triumph. Did you hear? – asked Caiaphas – what did he say? That he was forsaken by God, that he is a pseudo-Christ... We were right to say that he was a false Christ, an ally of Satan... Now, at the supreme moment, he confessed the truth - God forsook him...

It is hard to conceive of a greater self-defamation than this. In his race toward the abyss of willful humiliation, Jesus spares no opportunity to demolish his greatness. With this cry, he handed his enemies the best dagger against himself.

And his disciples and friends, who heard this cry of abandonment, what should they think? His mother, his beloved disciple John, his faithful disciple Magdalene, they all heard that their dear Jesus confessed himself forsaken by God... And how could they continue to love and follow him if God itself had forsaken him?

This cruel disappointment of his devoted friends and disciples must have been the final step in that accelerated march towards self-defamation and ego-emptying.

The race to the nadir was over.

Jesus, with his mother and his disciple, at the foot of the cross, said to his mother: “Here is your son”, and he said to the disciple: “Here is your mother”.

After getting rid of these last treasures that he still had on Earth, he made himself totally freed from everything and everyone, and his Christ could say: “It is finished”. And finally: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”

This is the tragic and glorious drama of the incarnation of Christ Jesus.

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