Wednesday 22 December 2021


Countless books address the idea that Christ Jesus was a liberator. Some think he was a revolutionary, a subversive, trying to free Israel from Roman rule.

However, according to the Gospels and other historical sources, exploring or proving this hypothesis makes no sense. He explicitly stated before Pontius Pilate that his kingdom was not of this world!

In one of these books, a group of Jesuits showed the futility of the political and revolutionary tendencies of Jesus. However, when the authors come to the question: "From what has Jesus delivered us?" they fall back into the routine of traditional theologies: he delivered us from our sins by his blood. These pious authors substitute a pseudo-liberation for another pseudo-liberation; they substitute a supposed political liberation by external factors for moral freedom by the same factors. No one can be freed if it is not free. No one can receive a deliverance as a gift if it has not yet achieved its self-liberation; it is not delivered. Genuine and unique freedom cannot be given as a gift from the cradle or as a favour to someone else. It is the highest achievement of consciousness, the normal upward evolution of man; this is his great and only task here and in any other dimension: to free himself!

All who attribute to Jesus, intentions of political or social liberation, are unaware of the fundamental character of his personality. Even Christian theologians who ascribe to him the collective deliverance of humanity from the slavery of sins do not deserve the ideas of the true Jesus the deliverer.

He knew that no political, social or moral liberation is possible without individual independence, and he always spoke of this deliverance, which he possessed in the highest degree. Any other peripheral liberation was for Jesus a pseudo-liberation, for which he was never enthusiastic, thus disappointing his countrymen and disciples. Before the Roman governor, just hours before his death sentence, he affirms: “I am king, but my kingdom is not of this world.”

The inexperienced can't comprehend what kingdom and royalty he was referring to.

For Jesus, freedom and liberation is essentially an individual process. From his origin, man is a slave to himself if he does not individually free himself from that slavery – and this self-liberation is the greatest existential glory of his life. The negative pole of human nature, the so-called ego, which Genesis symbolizes by the serpent, oppresses the positive one of the Self, the so-called breath of God.

The fundamental and unique task of human existence is precisely the liberation from this slavery and the declaration of the glorious freedom of the children of God. To this end, the man was given free will.

Since Jesus possessed this freedom, he could be interested in no other freedom or liberation than the emancipation of man from the tyranny of his ego and proclaim the glorious victory of the Christlike Self.

In this sense, he summed up all his politics and philosophy, above all in this statement: “you will know the truth – and the truth will set you free”. For him, as for all true initiates, freedom is the product of man's knowledge of himself, self-knowledge lived as self-realization. Truth, freedom, happiness – this trilogy is the centre of his individual experience and the essential point of the message of Christ Jesus to humanity.

And, for being so radically happy, Jesus allowed himself any suffering, for neither suffering nor death itself can destroy true happiness based on the knowledge and experience of the divine Self.

Christ Jesus is the greatest liberator known to humanity, a true evolutionary! 

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