Tuesday 24 November 2020


“Faith is different from proof; the latter is human; the former is a gift from God. In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t”.  Blaise Pascal


What we generally understand by believing consists of acts of the intellect and will; however, what Jesus, and the spiritual geniuses of humanity call faith is a direct and the immediate experience of the spiritual world, or the invisible world of God, is a vital contact with the Infinite, the Absolute, the Eternal.

True faith, as it appears in the pages of sacred books, is not adherence to a particular doctrine, nor loyalty to this or that person who represents a certain theology; it is an intimate experience, an intuitive knowing and comprehension, an invasion or an outbreak of The divine world in man, like a vertical line that comes from unknown heights and goes to mysterious depths; faith is a direct contact between God and man, however inexplicable that contact may be. Everything before this faith is horizontal, human: on this preliminary level it is the man who acts and produces, but when this mysterious vertical line cuts across the horizontal one, it is God who acts and produces supposed that man has become receptive to this invasion of the Divine world. Both this previous receptivity and this same Divine experience is what the sacred books call faith.

Whoever is incorrupt in faith dominates everything - who has a lack of faith is dominated by everything.

By faith, we are enriched - by lack of the faith we are impoverished.

Everything is possible for the one who has faith - nothing is possible for the one who has no faith.

Although faith is primarily about the spiritual, invisible world, its effects are powerfully reflected upon the material and visible world as well. The firmness, clarity, tranquillity and peace which faith gives to man, sooner or later his life will be surrounded by a halo of serene happiness. His super-conscious illuminates the conscious and even his subconscious.

The experience of Truth generally requires us to make initial sacrifices and sufferings, but these apparent and immediate “disadvantages” are largely compensated in the long run by real and permanent advantages.

Truth is always liberating, though it forces us to walk the “narrow path” of discipline.

Faith is the direct contact with the Reality.

Therefore, anything is possible for him who has faith.

Those who have faith know experientially through things that can be seen, touched and verified - and have the Truth.

True and genuine faith is, therefore, an intimate conviction that we are essentially identical to God (“You are gods,” Jesus said), but existentially we are infinitely inferior to God.

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