Tuesday, 17 November 2020


The text by Huberto Rohden below, written and published in the book "Setas na Encruzilhada", (Portuguese edition only) at the beginning of the 60s tries to decipher the phenomenon of man, this incognito being, which reveals itself in many ways: from his divine angelic state to the brilliance of geniality, to the creative talent and who has the incredible ability also to descend to the most demonic state, i.e., from angel to monster, because for him was given a broad intellect and free will that no other living being on the planet has.

Given the distance in time, until today, it is possible that some scientific concepts may have changed, as science reveals that not only humans but other beings have also developed high levels of creative intelligence, as many of them share with men, almost all of his chromosomes, a similar brain, an individual character, their own personality, individual spirit and free will.

The broad function of the human brain is still a mystery that science tries to decipher. Perhaps only when science exhaust itself, seeking answers to its questions through the mysteries of the extra-physical world, in the metaphysical world, in the Infinite, in the Source, in the origin of everything, in Philosophy, in the mystical intimacy of true Religion which is the bond that unites man with the Creator as a source of his existence - is when will find answers. In this sense, Albert Einstein, this ingenious universal mystic scientist, philosopher, visionary, humanist stated: “Natural science without religion is lame - religion without science is blind.”


“Man is the oldest inhabitant of the planet Earth, although the general belief prevails that he is the most recent, because the idea of the creation of man, comes from the creation of the universes. But for man to materialize in the environment where he lives, all the telluric transformations that the Earth went through were required and, thus, allowing him to live in most favourable climatic conditions.

In the present state of his evolution, it is true, the man is a recent being; but as a potential one, he is very old. And since every creature is really what it is potentially, it can be said that the man is the oldest inhabitant.

Fortunately, the findings of science corroborate this claim. Physically, man belongs to the superior mammal class. However, some mammals become adults at 3 years of age - whereas humans usually reach the plenitude of their body evolution only at 21.

Why this difference?

Mainly because of the human brain, whose full development requires a very long period, and to prevent the creation of a monster, nature forces man's organism to perform extremely slow evolution to run parallel to the brain's development.

Anatomically, the superior mammalian brain is like that of man but functionally differs. The human brain produces and captures vibrations of a different frequency, of a mental and rational character, which are differentiated from the sensory vibrations of the animal's brain. Because of this essential diversity, there is no example that an “animal intelligence” has developed into human intelligence.

Even the most intelligent animal trained for certain duties and stunts invariably falls into the natural state when training ceases, and it is left alone, proving that its intelligence is heteronomous, not autonomous, like that of man; it is only an extrinsic reflection of human intelligence, not an intelligence with an intrinsic centre in the peculiar nature of the animal. Animal intelligence is wholly in the service of its own individual and sexual biology, whereas human intelligence can attain the highest culmination of abstraction. No animal has ever bothered to calculate the distance between Earth and the Sun, measure the speed of light, or investigate the trajectory of atomic particles.

It takes about 21 years to create a transmitter and receiver station the size and potency of the human brain. But since the history of the individual is the recapitulation of the race history, it follows that the human species as such took about seven times longer for its present evolution than any animal.

Millions of years and centuries ago, the species “man” had lived on Earth, not in its present form, but in potential form.

Moreover, data from biogenetics confirm the thesis of biology: the human body, during the 9 months of its intrauterine life rapidly goes through all the stages of its racial evolution, from unicellular amoeba, through organic forms of the worm, mollusc, invertebrate, fish, mammal, until it reaches the shape of the current human body.

The man-amoeba was a man.

The man-mollusc was a man.

The man-fish was a man.

The man-lemur was a man.

And if someday, the hominid man of today turns his material and visible body into an immaterial and invisible one, he will still be a man. The immortalized body-light of man is a truly human body.

Jesus, whose body was sometimes material, immaterial, visible, invisible, was a true man, the “man par excellence,” the “cosmic man.” As with Babaji, the fully illuminated master of the Himalayan caves, an immortal avatar!

It is necessary here to make the idea of the word “potency” or “potentiality” more understandable. This potency is not inherent in the finite human vehicle, but in the Infinite Life, which uses certain finite vehicles to manifest (partially) in terms of individual effects. In the unicellular body of the amoeba, there is no potency to create the multicellular body of the mollusc, fish, mammal, man. This potency is the Infinite, the Unmanifest Essence, the Universal Life of the Cosmos, which reveals (partially) through some vehicle and appears as Manifest Existence. This existential form of the Essence varies for each species, each group, from individual to individual.

In “man,” this existential form showed the highest degree of potentiality because this vehicle was, according to Cosmic Intelligence, the most appropriate. If we give the most perfect of minerals the potentiality grade 5, the grade 10 to the vegetal world, the grade 20 to the animal world, then we must admit to hominid species perhaps the potency grade 100. To say that this potency grade 100 was “contained” in the potencies 20, 10, 5 is the same as abolishing logic and mathematics. The major is not contained in the lesser. But it is a historical fact that the significant potency (100) used the lesser potencies (20, 15, 5) as channels and vehicles to reach 100. The 100, however, came from the Infinite, just as from the same Infinite flowed all finite, lesser and major. From the Infinite, in addition to coming 100, also came 20, 10, and 5. The difference is not in the fact that the finite came from the Infinite, but only in the way they came from it, some by shorter paths, others by longer ones. Man is the creator of the longest and most diverse pilgrimage of all creatures - and no one yet knows what man can achieve in future ages ...

Science has proved the reality of the different stages that human beings go through in their formation - but it has not proved, however, that man came from the animal. Never a major finite form comes from a lesser finite, although it can come through lesser finite. Many of the treatises on evolutionism, and especially certain textbooks, are distinguished by a stupendous illogicality, confusing cause with the condition, claiming that man came from the animal when they were to say it through the animal. Logic is very rare, even among men called scholars.

Philosophy, the supreme expression of logic knows that under no circumstances can the major come from the lesser.

Some refuse to accept the fact of the evolution of the human body through inferior forms, for sentimental and emotional reasons; see how dishonourable the fact that this body has gone through such “imperfect” stages ...

If the Infinite is designed to manifest through finite of all degrees, even the simplest, as the unicellular body of the primitive protozoan is it unworthy of finite man what is worthy of the Infinite Universe? Any finite form is worthy of Infinite; otherwise, it would not have appeared.

The works of the French Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin trace the evolutionary itinerary of man through zones he calls the “hylosphere” (a world containing only inanimate matter), “zoosphere” (the world of living organisms), “noosphere” (sphere of human thought or intellect) towards the “logosphere” (sphere of reason); man began at the “Alpha point” and will culminate at the “Omega point.” Many regards this theologian and palaeontologist as materialistic because he sees the beginning of man in the matter; they did not comprehend Teilhard de Chardin; the essence of all finite is the Infinite, i.e., the Divine Essence, immanent in all existences, without excluding matter.

What materialists call matter is only the perceptible phenomena of it; no one knows what the matter is in its invisible essence; it is the great incognito, which neither the senses perceive, nor the intelligence conceives ... it is the Infinite Essence. If according to Chardin, man derives from matter, he is derived from the Infinite; the matter is only a channel, but it is not the Source from which man flowed. Incidentally, those who do not see the immanent Infinite in all finite will not comprehend Teilhard de Chardin, as it will not comprehend the message of Jesus in the Gospel when he says: “The Father is in me, and I am in the Father … the Father, also it is in you and you are in the Father.”

The man came from the Infinite (the Creator), but it still flowed and flows through various finite (evolution) - until one day, reaching the culmination of the finite, the “Omega Point,” the Cosmic Christ.

This evolutionary process of man is possible because his free will exempts him from the static process of mechanical causality, of imprisonment, of the enslaving determinism of alien and external factors inherent in nonhuman nature. Free will is a dynamic causality, spontaneous self-determination, omnipotence within man.”

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