Saturday 7 November 2020


Huberto Rohden's concepts established in all his years of study in the areas of theology, education, philosophy and science, with degrees at universities in Europe, and culminating his studies at Princeton University, in the USA - where he had some moments of conviviality with Albert Einstein - and as a professor of comparative religions at the American University in Washington, where he remained from 1947 to 1952, cannot be understood as recognized and definitive postulates, as science and all other areas of human knowledge, evolve, although many of the concepts presented by him are timeless, especially those referring to the areas of philosophy, theology and education.

Concerning the origin of man, there is still no concrete, scientific evidence of his evolution on planet Earth. Despite scientific developments in this field, during the past and present centuries, nothing yet shows that man arose from an animal being inferior to him. Rohden, despite not being an anthropologist, rejects the theological ideology and the theory of his animal ascendancy, presenting a third perspective - that of the theory of rational intuition - that man appeared on Earth as a truly hominal creature, albeit in a potential form, imperfect, but already with his true identity and nature, stating that man was created ready, but that he flowed through potentialities inferior to him.

The most important aspect of Rohden's insights is the use of rational intuition, that mysterious source that spills into the human intellect and coming from regions that profane man tries to ignore, accustomed to using only his analytical intellect, which has always the tendency to object to everything that has no solid basis, the scientific experiment and consequent evidence.

Albert Einstein, this great mystic-scientist, visionary, humanist and universal, never intended to claim that the Theory of Relativity was analytically demonstrable, but he always claimed that it is intuitively right, just as he intuitively believed that light deflects when it passes near the sun, as recently proved and celebrated. Intuitive certainty predates any analytical proof and it can be proved. The misconception of certain scientists lies in attributing to Einstein an analytic truth for relativity and deflection rather than an intuitive certainty.

Another interesting example where intuition proves the evidence of facts, came from the mathematical works of the famous Indian scientist, Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920), considered a mathematical genius, who played with numbers, just as a child plays with a toy, who used to say that: “An equation for me has no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God”, whose calculations and results were achieved by a process of argument, intuition and induction, of which he was entirely unable to give any coherent explanation. However, his efforts made him a member of one of the most regarded scientific societies, The Royal Society and whose formulas are used today to understand the behaviour of black holes!

As the vast majority of scientists graduate from universities where only analytical thinking prevails in deducing facts, it is not surprising that they radically ignore what Einstein and Ramanujan understand by an intuitive certainty, regardless of any scientific analysis. Analytical science deals with man's physical-mental evolution, but is silent as to his metaphysical-rational origin; much is said about the channels, but nothing is said about the source.

The integral science of our day demands a metaphysical basis for all physical things, because, according to Einstein, “from the world of facts leads no path to the world of values; because they come from another region.”

Is the man still an enigma? ...

The most important moment of man’s evolutionary process was when he acquired a better conscience to discern between good and evil, truth from imposture, right from wrong; the man then proceeds in the ascensional march that will lead him to the top of the angelical state, supposing that this particular man wants to achieve this level, for in him his most important element ... his free will, his centre of the decision, which has the ability to filter out the scum of a past where morals and ethics were fragmented.

Despite his presence on Earth for many thousands of years, science to this day cannot unravel this mystery. There is among it, a “missing link,” a moment in history that has dragged on for hundreds of years and has yet to reach any conclusion.

Recent studies published by the respected Journal of Human Evolution, Nature, and others, still show no sign that can scientifically identify the human origin, so perhaps it is more convenient to accept a non-scientific but metaphysical proposal regarding the origin of this being on the planet. Even because the closest ones, our primate cousins like gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, bonobos have not yet reached the stage where humans are, yet they are as old as man and living on the same planet!

The man came ready, able to apply and develop his intellect, reason and other attributes, even though he came in anatomical forms of aesthetics different from the current one. In short: man's origin is neither mythological nor zoological, but cosmological. Man, like all things, came from the soul or Essence of the Universe, although his human figure today, his existence, came later. The essence of man is eternal, but his existence is temporary. The man came from the Cause, essence, or source, though his existential effect came through many historical channels. Historical man has hatched after a long incubation in pre-hominal form - and present man will still flow through many channels until he reaches the heights of the integral man.

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