Saturday 7 November 2020


The following text is part of revised and added texts from some of Huberto Rohden's writings. These are loosed thoughts from scientific studies carried out at Princeton University between 1945 and 1946, where he had some moments of conviviality with Albert Einstein, resulting with this contact the book “Einstein, the Enigma of the Universe”. Rohden also did his studies on education, philosophy and theology at universities in Europe, and as a professor of comparative religions at the American University in Washington, where he remained from 1947 to 1952.


“It is known that man is considered a riddle, and even today science tries to decipher this sphinx, this unknown being, this paradox.

Why? Because of two erroneous premises.

One of these false assumptions is over 2000 years old and the other just over a century, and on any of these fictitious bases man remains incomprehensible.

The first premise is the idea that the Cosmic Powers have placed here on earth an exceptional creature in all its ultimate perfection. This so-called “crown of creation” is a divinely perfect creature whose sole task was to preserve the perfection given to it. And if this perfect man were continued in the state in which he was created, all human beings would be perfect and happy.

However, if among most human beings, evil and disease prevail, philosophers and theologians seek to know where these imperfections came from.

Then came the idea of a “fall” of man, caused by an enemy of the Creator. And anyone who accepts this theory cannot escape the conclusion that God was defeated by the devil. And although God has promised to redeem man, the idea of God's defeat continues and worsens, because the devil also defeated the redeemer; for the Christianity of these twenty centuries is nothing better than the non-Christians.

If Adam of the Genesis had been a perfect man, as some scriptural interpreters suppose, he would not have succumbed to the temptation of Eve, who did not offer him “all the kingdoms of the world and their glory,” but a simple “apple” of delicious taste and libidinous enjoyment. A symbolic apple of course, for there was no such fruit at that time.

Adam, invited by the Antichrist to prostrate himself at its feet in exchange for all the kingdoms of the world and its glory stands sovereignly and orders the Antichrist to take its place at the rearguard, while himself, Adam, stands at the forefront of human evolution.

Evidently, we cannot regard the Adam of Genesis as a perfect and accomplished man, but only an achievable semi man, almost man, or a pseudo man. There was not a fall from the exalted heights of the divine and perfect man, but only permanence in his animal state which he should have overcome under the impact of the breath of God.

The second hypothesis about man is the theory of his animal ancestry, which emerged in the nineteenth century; however, this hypothesis is incompatible with logic and mathematics because it assumes that the lesser may be the cause of the major, that the effect may be greater than the cause.

Thus, the pseudoscientific claim that animal potentiality has gradually developed into hominid potentiality cannot be resorted to. No mathematics can admit that a potentiality 10 can itself develop into potentiality 20. Potentiality is a reality in the non-dynamic state. But if 20 is not dormant in 10, it cannot come out of 10. In a more practical example, one might say that a one-meter-long domestic pipe cannot contain a thousand litres of water. And if from a pipe of this size could leak this volume of water, then it would be certain that the pipe is not the source, or “cause” of that amount, but only served as a channel or “condition” for the outflow of this volume. In this case, it is mathematically certain that beyond the pipe, there is a source or “cause,” or condition, so that content can flow through the pipe.

Any and all potentiality presupposes a potency inherent in it. If a potentiality 10 becomes potentiality 20, it is certain that the cause of this 20 is not 10, but an existing potency beyond potentialities 10 and 20. The lesser cannot cause the major, although it can condition and channel it.

Therefore, the theory that man came from an inferior being, as an effect coming from its cause is mathematically unacceptable.

But if neither the first nor the second theory of man is acceptable - what, then, is the likely answer?

The man appeared on earth neither as a perfect man nor as a merely inferior creature who had become a man. The man appeared on earth as a truly hominid creature, although only in potential, and an imperfect state, but already with his true hominid nature. No one becomes what they are not. A non-hominid being will never become a hominid being. There is an essential, and not only a gradual difference between an inferior being and man.

The man was the man from the beginning, in his hominid potentiality. The potential is real although not in a dynamic state.

The evolutionary character of the hominid existed from the beginning. Let's say that man today has grade 10 of evolution, and the primitive man had grade 1. This grade 1 can evolve into 10, not because of 1, but because of a potency greater than 1 and 10. The lesser evolutionary character only becomes a major character thanks to a potency which directs both.

The lesser cannot cause the major, as it happens with a seed that causes the plant, or with an egg that causes the bird, but it is not true that the seed is the cause of the plant, or that the egg is the cause of the bird. Seed and egg are simple channels through which the cosmic energies flow, which produce the plant and the bird, from the intelligence of the infinite Potency of the Universe that uses these potentialities to manifest. A seed placed on the table will not produce a plant, and an egg will not produce a bird by itself. For the seed to sprout as a plant and the egg to be born the bird, they must receive the impact of the powers of water and light, i.e., the humidity and heat, which are the cause of the plant and the bird, while that the seed and the egg are mere conditions or channels for this cosmic cause or source. The potency is the cause and source of all potentiality, small and large. It uses various, different, distinct potentialities.

Thus, the potency used the potentiality of an animal's body to cause the potentiality of the hominid body. But since the lesser potentiality does not produce the major one, we cannot, in the right logic and mathematics, say that man came from the animal, that hominid potentiality came from animal potentiality. We can say that man came from the Cosmic Potencies, although he came bodily through lesser channels or potentialities.

Retrograde theologies tend to claim that man came from the Cosmic Potencies, but that his body came through lesser potentialities.

Science, for its part, accepts the animal potentialities for man but does not comprehend that potentiality cannot develop without the potency.

Philosophy, however, states that man came from the Cosmic Potency or Source, and flowed through lesser potentialities or channels - thus satisfying the demands of mathematics and science.”

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