Friday 20 November 2020


After attaining the highest degree of spiritual experience, the man can safely return to the world of profanities, illusions and impurities in the repetitive cycle of birth and death, bringing with him, without being contaminated, sacredness and purity, the extinction of individuality and the freedom of material existences.

However, this return is not necessary for everyone. There are highly spiritual men whose peculiar mission is to remain in their mystical solitude.

No one knows them, no one writes their biography. Possibly these loners do not even have visible disciples, they live and die in complete anonymity.

Generally, the lives of these lonely mystics are regarded by the profane as “useless existence” - or even labelled “spiritual selfishness”.

Paul Brunton, in the book “A Hermit in the Himalayas,” wrote brilliant truths about this ideology. And anyone who knows the laws of the Universe’s Cosmic Constitution knows what to think about these anonymous mystics.

In fact, human beings are always benefited spiritually, not only by the words spoken by these mystics, but also by the authentic books on spirituality written or intuited by them, but above all by the invisible radiations from their unknown "broadcast stations". These mystics function, in fact, as high-powered receiving devices, as relay stations for those who want to be in tune with their wisdom.

In our electronic age, this comparison is easily comprehensible. Outer space is constantly full of electronic waves, emitted by powerful broadcasting stations around the world. Ether is always full of sounds, words, music. It may not reach our ears, yet they are certainly in the ether. If we do not hear, it is because we are absent. The truth is that, objectively, we are present to music, for example; and subjectively we are absent, because we have no conscious contact with it, although present in outer space, music does not exist in our inner space, which is our consciousness. What decides is not the presence, but the consciousness of this presence.

The moment I tune my radio receiver antenna into the broadcaster wave, the music of space is present in me. My receiver converts into audible air vibrations (sounds) the inaudible electronic waves of the ether, which at first when they entered the station's microphone had also been air vibrations. The physical sound which went into the station's microphone, and then was transformed into electronic waves from space was reconverted by the receiver into the same airwave that gave rise to it.

What our science and technique built, have existed in the Universe since the beginning of time. The Universe is both a sender and a receiver at the same time. At the level of the Creator, (the Source, Cause, God), the Cosmos is purely emitter, creator, source, causer; and, at the level of the creatures (effect, channel, worlds), the Cosmos is a receiver, created, caused.

However, conscious receiver can also be a retransmitter, emitting from its fullness to other receivers.

The great enlightened beings, even if they are unknown, function as powerful retransmitters and if any human being in any country in the world, at any distance, tune its receiver - its conscious, its soul - to the vibrational frequency of the unknown transmitter will receive the Divine music radiated from them.

This spiritual music can be revealed in the human receiver as light or force, as inspiration or enthusiasm, as truth or love, as joy or happiness, as great ideas or sublime ideals.

The receiver need not know where these wonders come from; all it must do is tune its antenna and will benefit from the unknown broadcaster of some God-tuned soul.

Wouldn't that be the meaning of Mahatma Gandhi's words: “When a single man reaches the fullness of love, does he neutralize the hatred of many millions?” These millions, benefited by one, know nothing of the existence of this high-powered broadcaster, “of this great soul”; it is enough that they are susceptible to the radiance of love.

Nor is this to be understood by the redemptive work of Jesus: “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am in their midst,” would not have the same meaning that where two or three are attuned to my Christlike vibration, I will make my presence conscious to them? ...

The cosmic music - from Divine omnipresence or Christ redemption - is always in the air – “I am with you every day even to the end of the age” - and every antenna tuned into it will benefit.

“Being good” means being consciously, or supra consciously, in tune with the Infinite; is to be a high sensitivity receiver and a high powered retransmitter.

A single good man is worth more for the redemption of humans than millions of others who only speak of good deeds or do good.

Time and space, when and where, have nothing to do with the efficiency of spiritual irradiation.

Thanks to the existence of the great enlightened beings, however unknown, humans are no worse than they are. And if more good receivers were among men, far more sensitive would be the action of the invisible emitters who retransmit something of the plenitude they received from the Divine emitter.

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