Thursday 12 November 2020


In his book, "A Nova Humanidade" in Portuguese only, written in the mid-1970s, Huberto Rohden addresses the different evolutionary stages of man, from the animal man through the hominid man until reaching the conscious state of the Christlike man. In some chapters, he often refers to telefertilization via astral or vital induction, as occurred with Jesus and probably Moses, without excluding other sporadic cases in human history. And, to make this idea more understandable, he recalls that there are similar phenomena in physics, especially in electronics, presenting in the excerpt below a possible explanation of the existence of this phenomenon in humans.

It is important to remind the reader that Rohden, a theologian, philosopher and educator, was graduate by European Universities and during 1945/46 went to study science at Princeton University, where he had the conviviality with Albert Einstein. In early 1947 he was invited by the American University, Washington, to teach Philosophy and Comparative Religions, where he remained for 6 consecutive years. At the end of this period, he was invited by the International Christian University in Mitaka, Japan to teach the same subjects, but due to the outbreak of the Korean war, the Japanese university was not inaugurated and Rohden returned to Brazil.

Scientific knowledge is formidably dynamic ... in just a decade, advances in that field can surpass much of what has been known in past centuries. Therefore, the scientific basis of some concepts in the text below may be outdated; for this, the reader is asked to exercise some sort of sympathy.

However, human knowledge still represents these days, a small drop of water in the vast ocean of its ignorance.


“Electric or magnetic induction happens when electricity forms a magnetic field with no physical contact between the two poles. Electronic science knows the phenomenon of the transmission of sounds and luminous images without any material contact between the emitting pole and the receiving pole. This relationship really exists, but not materially.

According to Einstein, this is the relation between real and material: energy is real, but not material; it is non-condensed matter. And for this very reason, more real than matter itself. The degree of reality consists of acting; the more active it is, the more real it is. Reality does not coincide with materiality.

If there is material fertilization, why wouldn't there be real, immaterial fertilization? The transmitting vehicle of life is not necessarily material, but can be immaterial, or energetic (astral), and still be real.

In beings more evolved than those on Earth, fertilization can be energetic, while still being fully real.

This fertilization does not occur at the level of ego-consciousness, but in the area of the cosmos-consciousness, or in the supra-consciousness level, where the Gospel represents by two Greek words: hypnos (sleep) and onar (dream), and occurs at the level of cosmos-conscience, not ego-conscience (sleep or dream), being for this reason unconscious to the ego-conscious, as in the case of Jesus' parents, according to the Gospel.

This fertilization is not something supernatural, as theology believes, but perfectly natural, though not material, but energetic; both this and that are natural, in varying degrees of evolution.

If there had been no fertilization in José and Maria by normal means, although energetic, a hominid offspring would not have been born. In fact, both Matthew and Luke identify the genealogy of Jesus with that of Joseph, considering Joseph to be the real father of Jesus, though not material, as they themselves claim.

The real fecundation foreseen in the future Christlike humanity has nothing to do with supposed sexual intercourse, nor is it intended to preserve the virginity of women. The only reason for telefertilization is in man's typically hominid evolution, as Genesis predicted. It is known by science that what originates in energy is more perfect than that which is born of matter, and man fertilized by energy is more perfect than man fertilized by matter.

What is born of energy is free from the matter imbalances, such as disease and compulsory death. The present material fertilization of man is at the level of animality, which in the future will be overcome by the telefertilization of Cosmos-conscious man.

The greatness of man does not consist of what he is today, but in what he may become in the future; and this stage of future dynamics would not be possible if it did not already exist now in potential form. No one becomes explicitly what it is not implicitly. All the greatness of man lies in his potentiality, which is limitless, for free will prevails in him.”

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