Monday 9 November 2020


One day, speaking to the representatives of the traditional Adamic humanity, Jesus said: “The ruler of this world, which is the power of darkness, has power over you.” Then himself, the representative the advanced Christlike humanity added: “He has no power over me, because I've already overcome this world.”

At the end of the temptation scene in the desert, the tempter, which is the power of darkness, confirms what Christ Jesus had said, saying: “I will give you all the kingdoms of the world and their glory because they are mine, and I give them to whom I want it.” - both Christ and Antichrist unanimously affirm that there are two humanities: humanity enslaved by the power of darkness - and humanity liberated by the power of light. Darkness is an illusion - light is the truth.

The traditional humanity, still dominated by the power of darkness, the illusion of the tyrannical ego continues to dominate this world; has not yet been set free by the light of truth, by the power of the divine Self.

Also, in Genesis Moses spoke of these two humanities. The Deities, or the Cosmic Potencies, put enmity between the traditional humanity of the serpent and the advanced humanity of the divine breath. And these two humanities must live parallel on planet Earth - just as weed living amid the wheat - so that the advanced humanity will be realized more and more by the resistance that the traditional humanity opposes, for, without resistance, there is no evolution.

 “Let the chaff and the wheat grow together.”

This coexistence is necessary so that man, who was created as lesser as possible, can create as much as possible. During the earthly evolution, there is coexistence - but on the day of “harvesting”, there will be separation. The creative creature cannot be determined by external circumstances, such as the created creatures; it must be self-determining.

The ruler of this world has power over the representatives of the old traditional humanity, because that humanity has not yet conquered this world of illusion and darkness of the Adamic ego by the power of the light of the Christlike Self.

The Antichrist promises “all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them,” if men fall to the ground before it, denying Christ. And this old traditional humanity lies in worship at the feet of the power of darkness and cowardly submit, accepts and the worst adjusts itself to the world of evil.

Cosmic laws cannot be circumvented: those who do evil must suffer evil. All guilt generates suffering. Guilt is the anti-cosmic man's fault - suffering is the reaction of the Cosmos against the culprit.

--- While there are evils there will be evils.

--- While there are guilty there will be sufferers.

And although some men no longer have their own guilt, they suffer for the guilty, the righteous suffer for the sinner, the innocent suffer for the guilt of others, for the collective karma acquired by the old addicted humanity and contaminated by the tyrannies of the ego. And this represents the law of cosmic solidarity because no one can inherit the guilt of others - but everyone can suffer for the guilt of others.

Earthly suffering ends when everyone's guilt ends.

The great masters of humanity recognize that today's traditional humanity is enslaved by the power of the ego, but that they themselves, the representatives of the new advanced humanity, are free from that power. These avatars, when entering this world of the traditional Adamic man, they were already freed from the power of darkness. Jesus, for example, during the 33 years of his life, freed himself more and more, not from the wickedness of man, but from evils, until he completed his total liberation, saying: “It is finished.”

Individual man can and must free himself from guilt - but only humanity can free itself from suffering. Many men of the Adamic humanity have already freed themselves from evil but still suffer from the evil of others. In the new Christlike humanity, there will be liberation from guilt and suffering.

To conquer this world is to break free from the traditional identification with the ego and to realize identification with the divine Self, both through mystical consciousness and ethical living, realizing what Paul of Tarsus calls the “new creature in Christ.”

The human ego reveals itself through the idolatry of material goods, sex, society and its addictions. The profane man lives his whole life in the temple of this triple idolatry. But when a man enters the sanctuary of Liberating Truth upon himself, the night of the power of darkness ends and the day of the power of light dawns. “I am the light of the world … I am the way, the truth, and the life; whoever follows me does not walk in darkness but has the light of life.”


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