Tuesday 3 November 2020


Maybe not. Possibly more repellent than attractive. Nor is it necessary for the spiritual man to be attractive. Generally, he does not attract others to himself - his attraction carries others beyond themselves. It is like one of these roadside signs or arrows at the crossroads, the purpose of which is not only to point travellers in the direction to follow but to be abandoned after it has taken the right direction.


The spiritual man should not be like a mirror holding the person who looks at him - he should be like an open window through which shows the landscape’s beauty and vast horizons. Our ego insinuates us to be attractive mirrors - while true spirituality ... our Divine Self, teaches us to be transcendent windows.


Some of John the Baptist's disciples were scandalized when he was abandoned by his former followers, who went to follow Jesus, to which John replied: “I am only the groomsman, but he is the husband, he should grow up and I vanish”- this was to be an open window to Jesus, not an attractive mirror to oneself.


The spiritual man does not cause others to have satisfaction in him, but contributes to men feeling dissatisfaction with themselves, seeing their imperfection, and having a desire for greater perfection; he is a vehicle, a bridge, a channel, an arrow extended toward Infinity; he is a passage, not a stop; an entrance and an exit to God. His mere presence is a wakeup call, a challenge, an ultimatum, and a painful examination of conscience; he is not, in general, a fascinating personality; is possibly more repellent than attractive because of his straight loyalty to the eternal principles of morals and ethics which are unsettling to many and they feel disturbed by his presence. In his presence, many begin to think about something serious, some even learn to pray. The magnetic field that surrounds the spiritual man causes all needles to oscillate when not properly polarized by the divine north - and no one knows what will happen next in the receptive souls ... There may be earthquakes, storms, Pentecost fires ... May that many idols and fetishes, considered intangible and sacred, fall from their pedestals ...


“Follow me!” ...


“Let the dead bury their dead - but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God!” ...


“Go, give all your possessions to the poor - and follow me!” ...


It may be that someone hears in the silence of its soul such terrifying things as these thunders when it leaves the presence of a spiritual man.


Watch out! High voltage! ...


Hazardous, life-threatening risk! ...


Keep your distance! ...


There is a spiritual man around! ...

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