Thursday 19 November 2020


Love - a word so used and so abused!

How many actions and horrifying reactions are being committed, day by day, all the time, in the name of so-called love!...

But when true love takes hold of a soul, all other motives disappear, just as the brightness of the stars and the moon disappears before the sun's light. A soul guided by fear of punishment or by the hope of reward, even if it is ethically good, honest, virtuous, fully agrees with the popular philosophy that “all that is good is hard, and all that is evil is easy.” In fact, most good souls live at this evolutionary stage. They are sadly good, hardly spiritual. And why? Because they have already discovered the body of Christianity but not yet the soul of the Gospel!

When a soul discovers and fully identifies itself with the soul of the Gospel, it begins to experience a deep, intense and permanent happiness which it will never cease to be good. To be good is for it an irresistible need and practically impossible to be evil. To be good is not for it a virtue, it is an inevitable necessity, born from intense comprehension, from an irresistible and universal love. This soul is not only good, but it is also joyfully good, Christlike because it is immensely happy in God.

Ultimately, all our evils are born from our conscious or unconscious lack of happiness. A deeply happy soul is irresistibly good and has no desire to be evil. If Satan were happy, he would stop being evil. If Jesus were not fully happy, it would not be perfectly good. God, the Infinite Happiness, is good - and the greater is the being-good of a soul the greater is it's being-happy.

Now, there is nothing that can make us real and intimately happy, but the consciousness and experience of our identity with God: “I and the Father are one.”

However, it is difficult to explain to a blind person what is light... it is difficult to tell a deaf person what music is...

These things, and many others, can only be known by immediate experience.

Who knows from intimate experience what God is, does not need any theory about God. But who has not yet had its personal encounter with God, no theory can give an adequate idea of what God is. God does not present itself at the end of a properly constructed magic formula - but it is at the end and in the middle of life correctly lived.

To say that the experience of our identity with God makes us lose the horror of sin is a tremendous paradox since it is the same as saying that the joyful experience of light makes us love darkness, that the enjoyment of health makes us love the infirmities, that the delights of life make us love death... 

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