Wednesday 11 November 2020


In all sacred books, from Genesis through the Gospel and Revelation, there are references to virginal conceptions. In other works of literature, also the mentioning of virgin mothers, which implies the general conviction that man, in his Christlike plenitude, does not follow the rules of normal procreation.

The general meaning of this mode of reproduction has no moral character as if sexual relations were incompatible with spirituality - love does not exclude the kiss! – an idea which was popularized in the Middle Ages after Gregory the Great's decree on compulsory priestly celibacy, which was in fact imposed by the greed of the church's heads to maintain, extend, and perpetuate its material assets, for the married priest, if it has assets, these would pass to its descendants.

Judaism and paganism gave no preference to virginity over motherhood.

The sense of virginal conception is deeply metaphysical. What the books aim to imply is the possibility of the perpetuation of humans through a process essentially superior to the material process of other living beings. Since human nature is not only gradually different from nonhumans but essentially more advanced, its reproduction must also obey essentially different laws. Every animal reproduces itself through the action of the masculine and feminine material elements.

As modern science knows, the matter is the visible, condensed state of physical nature; according to Einstein, the matter is “condensed energy,” i.e., in a state of maximum passivity. Energy is “non-concentrated matter,” that is, more active. The more perfect, the more active it is. Activity is perfection, passivity is imperfection. According to Aristotle, God is “pure act,” that is, pure activity without passivity. In his famous allegory of the “Ferris wheel,” he left us a brilliant illustration: a wheel that receives its pivoting movement along the axle, has the largest movement farthest from the axle, and least force; and the greater is its force the closer to the axis is it. In the centre of the axis there is a force without movement, activity without passivity, or according to Aristotle, pure act. Force is activity without movement; movement is passivity. The word energy literally means “activity from within,” that is, a force without movement, activity without passivity. A high voltage, or an accumulator, is, in the world of physics, motionless force, pure activity.

Fertilization by material vehicles are the most elementary process of life transmission, and transmission by energetic vehicles would be a more sophisticated one; the life thus transmitted would not be impacted by the blemishes inherent in passive matter.

But this transmission by energetic vehicles supposes a transmitter as well as a receiver of a superior nature. We can illustrate this premise from the following comparison: Through the air, I can transmit my voice hundreds of meters; but by the energetic vehicle of an electronic wave I can transmit my voice thousands of kilometres, away, even speaking on the microphone.

In energetic fertilization there is no physical contact between man and woman, but a metaphysical one, real but non-material fertilization, which supposes an evolution of both the transmitter and the receiver. This non-material fertilization is related to a state of consciousness comparable to divine ecstasy.

Due to the absence of physical contact between men and women, it follows that there may be a “pregnant virgin,” of which Isaiah may say on (7:14), according to the idea of Genesis where he predicted that from a young woman will be born a child whose name will be Immanuel (God is with us), and which the author of the Gospel of Matthew used to suggest that Jesus was born of a virgin and that this energetically generated body would be a perfect body, without disease or compulsory death.

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