Tuesday 24 November 2020


 It was both material and astral - if by astral we mean a state of pure energy.

Today's science no longer admits the essential difference between material and astral, for it is now highly monistic or unitary: the naturally occurring elements of chemistry in the Periodic Table of which all things are formed are fundamentally light, cosmic light, invisible. Light is the highest vibration in the known universe. When the cosmic light diminishes in vibration, the visible light of the stars and suns appears. As the light continues to decrease in vibration, the energy (astral) appears. And when energy becomes passive or inactive (frozen), visible matter manifests.

According to today's science, cosmic light is the highest form of substance, and the matter is the lowest one.

The higher the vibration, the more real something is - and the lower the vibration, the less real is.

The least real substance that science knows is the matter, the most real substance is light.

What is less real is visible, audible, tangible - what is very real is imperceptible.

A spirit of high potency, such as Christ's has the power to modify the vibration at its convenience. When the Christ incarnated in the person of Jesus, he dressed on a material body to be seen, heard and touched by men.

From time to time he would exempt his body from the laws of visibility and gravity; he walked on water and floated in the air, free of gravity; became invisible when it was convenient to him.

This state without gravity and visibility can be called an astral, energetic or bioplasmic body, which radiates energy.

The difference between light, energy, the matter is not of essence but degree.

After the resurrection, Jesus dematerialized his body, making it insensitive and invisible. Only occasionally did he make it visible so that his disciples could see, hear, and touch him.

On the ascension, Jesus made his body invisible, full of light in its full glory, and on the day of Pentecost the christified Jesus revealed himself to the 120 disciples through the discernable phenomena of light; this state is called charismatic. The Greek word charis and charisma means grace, beauty, strength and indicates a wonderful synthesis of matter and light as harmony between the visible and the invisible.

In this charismatic form, Jesus appeared on the glorious morning of Pentecost Sunday, ten days after his ascension, probably on May 30 of the year 33, where he unleashed the divine Self of the 120 disciples after a long incubation of three years and an intense 9-day introspection of silence and meditation. This metamorphosis of them was a permanent state of consciousness and living experience of the inner Christ.

This communion of the charismatic Christ, symbolically foreshadowed by the Eucharistic Jesus of the Last Supper, was the true birth of Christ and the beginning of authentic Christianity, the dawn of the kingdom of God on earth.

Christendom celebrates, just over two millennia ago, the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, and the Eucharist of Jesus in Jerusalem - but it has not yet comprehended the birth of Christ and the communion of the charismatic Christ that took place on Pentecost Sunday when he filled with truth and grace his true messengers. Someday, perhaps in millennia, the new humanity will centre its liturgy and celebrations around the birth and communion of the charismatic Christ.

And there will be a new heaven and a new earth.

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