Sunday 8 November 2020


After finishing the third and fourth periods of creation, Genesis says: “And the Deities saw that it was good,” and after the sixth and last period, when of the creation of man, they add: “And they saw that it was very good.”

Good is the appearance of the other creatures - and very good is the appearance of the only creature who, by his free will is responsible for his destiny: “I am the lord of my destiny, I am the captain of my soul.”

Because of this essential difference in being, man's action should also be different. Whoever can act in the construction of good deeds, but whoever is alienated from these deeds and does not act, creates debt - and all debt generates suffering. 

The fate of nonhuman creatures are apparently automatic because it depends on the fate inherent according to the importance of these beings in the whole of creation, but man's destiny depends on himself because he is free in his action.

From the beginning of creation, the divine breath was incubated in the human creature; much later, that latent breath erupted in him.

But this eruption of the spirit did not come directly; the transition from the vital state to the spiritual consciousness took place through the intellectual stage, which all peoples symbolize by the serpent. And, as the Bhagavad Gita says: “The ego is the worst enemy of the Self,” the intelligence of the serpent in man is opposed to the divine breath as happened to the apostle Peter himself when he denied Jesus while guided by the intelligence of the ego.

By intelligence, man does not become good; he may only possess vast knowledge and insipient wisdom, for the knowledge of man at his present stage is but a drop of water in the ocean of his ignorance.

Most human beings are still intellectual but not spiritual; the serpent has defeated the spirit and with this, man is still in the first stage of his hominid evolution.

Since the time of Genesis, man has obeyed intelligence rather than the spirit, “ate of the forbidden fruit,” stagnated in intellectualized animality - or descended below it, contrary to the evolutionary order of the Creative Potencies. This is the universal guilt of human beings, a guilt that is reborn in the vast majority of new individuals. And this guilt of the intellectual ego is extinguished only by the awakening of the spiritual Self; only the plunge into the divine fire of the Self redeems the sinful ego.

The first defeat of the spiritual Self by the intellectual ego, according to Genesis, was manifested at the level of sexual lust, the use of sex inspired by libido, not by love.

And throughout the history of the entire Old Testament, human beings continued this subversion against the Cosmic Laws, which caused the deluge, “because the whole spirit had become flesh”; as well as the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and three other cities, “because all flesh had strayed from its path.”

And this rebellion of the tyrannical ego against the divine Self continues for centuries. At the beginning of the first century of the Christian Era, the luxurious and luxuriant cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Estabiae were suddenly buried under the Vesuvius lava, where the aristocracy of the Roman Empire used to celebrate its sexual orgies; in the ruins of Pompeii stood, for example, and proof for posterity, the famous Phornograficum, which can be seen in the Erotic Art of Pompeii and Herculaneum!

Nowadays, the serpent's intelligence in the man continues to descend even further into the abyss of decadence, offering humanity the “forbidden fruit”, and with the development of birth control pills, the unlimited enjoyment of libido independent of procreation was released decades ago. In addition to all the most bizarre forms, including artificial paraphernalia of pleasures and the use of animals in orgies. Of all the other beings in the creation, humans seem to live 24 hours a day, insatiably in heat. The rest follow the sexual discipline established by their character in the domains of creation.

The man added to sexual lust, the material luxury of wealth and the social trash of so-called civilized humanity. Lately, lust and luxury have been supplemented by the rubbish of most media and electronic entertainment. These grand inventions of intelligence are at least 90 per cent at the service of moral waste; intelligence moves at a giant step, but morals and ethics crawl at a snail's speed. Man does not yet know how to place the serpent's hiss at the service of the breath of God and for this reason the prediction and warning of the Cosmic Powers in Genesis 3: 17-19 is growing worse: “Cursed is the Earth because of you!”

In the face of this increasing pollution, the great seers of the future, including Jesus, have prophesied unprecedented tragedies for mankind, which are already occurring in alarming proportions. The cosmic reaction against the subversive action of the sinner is inexorable; the Deities' plans will unfailingly be fulfilled, but how they will be done will depend on human free will. Iron may become rust, but rust does not become iron. “Many are the chosen ones - but few will be called.” All men have the possibility of being part of the immortals of the new humanity - but ... man's free will decides upon the entrance into eternal life or upon self-destruction by eternal death ...

Cancer, scientists say, is a kind of cellular selfishness, in which certain rebel cells, instead of integrating into the organism, proliferate separately and devour the healthy cellular tissues of the body. Human selfishness is unnatural cancer, which prefers its individual enjoyment to the whole well-being; which sacrifices organic life for selfish addiction.

To bring about the end of the world, no atomic bomb is required: it is enough to stop flowing the fountains of human life and health, in exchange for sexual lust, material luxury and social waste, and thus we will see an outbreak of destruction worldwide.

As long as man is guilty, he will always be a sufferer. And man will be guilty while stagnant at the Adamic level in which he is. The fault of many is the suffering of the entire humanity.

So, it is written in the unchanging laws of the Cosmic Powers ... only the Christlike man will be the survivor!


“To bring about the end of the world ...”, it is enough to leave the human being unaware of his true role in the creation, according to a prediction made by Huberto Rohden in the mid-1970s. The history of the centuries reveals the results of this collective unconsciousness, for all the tribulations that the man went and still goes through in the area of sexuality and health. One of the most recent examples, among others, is that of the immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) caused by the abuse of his libido and which claimed lives and still causes the death of thousands of individuals. And not just from illnesses derived from sexual abuse. The plagues that have devastated part of the humanity, and now, at the beginning of the 21st century, the pandemic caused by COVID-19, and the predictions are that more lethal diseases will come to plague humanity.

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