Sunday, 27 June 2021


After losing his physical body, man does not fall into the void of anything, as the naive materialists of all factions think. After leaving the material body, man does not enter a definitive state, as certain ecclesiastical theologians say. Man, freed from his body, will enter an area corresponding to the state of his spiritual evolution or vibration. If we consider our planet Earth as a place in the Universe of coarse and low-frequency vibrations, we could consider the world after death as a succession of different levels of vibratory frequency, astral, mental, spiritual, etc.

Man freed from the material body is not free from the material tendencies that prevailed in his earthly life. Death will not make him what life did not. The mere physical fact of body and soul separation can never be the cause of spiritual evolution.

The effect is no greater than its cause, logic says. A material process has no spiritual effect. Therefore, a man without a physical body can be materialistic in the spiritual world as he was materialistic while living on Earth. And since this obsession with matter is essentially illusion and unhappiness, a disincarnated man can be deceived and unhappy as he was while in his material body.

The great liberation, which guarantees happiness, is a slow process of constant evolution in distancing from the error and a progressive approximation of the Truth. The light of Truth dawns on the direct reason that the darkness of the night disappears. This liberation is a “narrow path and a tight door”, whose final term of the journey is the “entrance into God’s kingdom.”

If man, here on Earth, gets used to living outside matter, even though he is still attached to the material body, he will create an environment within him to feel “at home” in an immaterial world, spiritual, and the objective separation of his physical body will not be something new, unknown, or even tragic, as it is for the illiterate in the immaterial world; so a man who lives a material life without being attached to the matter is already subjectively dematerialized; his true environment is the immaterial world; his true Self dwells, 10, 20, 50 years beyond the narrow grids of his illusory and tyrannical ego.

This subjective dematerialization within objective materiality is what the mystics call “mystical death.” Paul of Tarsus affirmed that he “dies every day” and therefore lives so intensely that he can affirm that he is no longer he (his human ego) who lives, but his divine Self, his inner Christ.

Those who have become accustomed to dying spontaneously are not horrified when death comes compulsorily. The only effective remedy to completely neutralize the horror of compulsory death is this exercise of voluntary death. “Similar cures similar,” says homoeopathy - and this principle applies here as well: death cures death, compulsory death cures with spontaneous death.

In the exercise of self-knowledge and the consequent development of new values and consciousness, the experience of the truth about oneself, to self-realization begins to awaken in man, that his essence is spiritual, divine and that he passes from this awakening to becoming familiar with the “vibrations, or invisible auras which envelop him, forming a propitious environment for his latent spirituality to unfold in manifest spirituality... only then is when he begins to comprehend, by a kind of internal enlightenment, what in the past did not comprehend”.

True evolution or self-realization is not a fact that happens to man - it is an achievement that man realizes. 

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