Thursday 3 June 2021


One of the reasons why the Christian world has so many atheists, agnostics, sceptics, indifferent, materialistic, etc., lies in the unfortunate tendency of theologians to demonstrate intellectually the ultimate truths of the Universe and human life. Since these attempts, although stunning, are, in advance, doomed to fail, and like so many Christians do not know another way to achieve sufficiently the real existence of God and eternal life, they remain in this uncertainty, and therefore, without a solid foundation to their ethical life. They reach the point of thinking that the facts are as dubious as the arguments.

Certainty does not come from scientific evidence or statements. True certainty of the eternal world is entirely independent of any intellectual or scientific proof. A scientifically demonstrated or demonstrable God is not God; it is a pseudo-god, an idol, a fetish created by intelligence and worshipped by it. Who adores an intellectual and scientifically demonstrated God is an idolater, a fetishist, practically an atheist!

Which is the difference between the fetishism of people who worships a carved wood or clay idol - and the fetishism of men of science from the Christian world that worships an idol architected by their intelligence? The difference lies only in the material that this idol is made of: the idolatrous man of science makes his god of physical matter - and the mental idolatrous makes his one with mental matter - but both one or another is fetishism, idolatry.

When in the time of Constantine the Great, Christianity exited the catacombs and made the transition from the Gospel to the theology – from the spiritual experience of Jesus to the intellectual scholarship of Christianity - the doors were opened to this fetishism from the school of Aristotle, whose macabre abortion was called Crusades, Inquisition, persecution by fire and sword, the killing of infidels, heretics and dissidents and all other evils created by the satanic intellect, not spiritualized. Later, Protestantism which seemed to return to the path of the pure Gospel, succumbed largely to the impact of the same Aristotelian scholasticism, changing only the external label but keeping the internal substance. Protestantism boasted of having abolished the dogmas of Rome, when in fact, is as dogmatic as Thomas Aquinas or Gregory VII.

Christianity is not a theology that should be understood - it is a reality to be lived! Who does not live the Christ is spiritually illiterate, although doctor of all theologies and thoroughly versed in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

If Satan had a personal experience of God, instead of just believing theoretically, he would not be Satan and become Christ.

The intellectual-theological satanism of the Aristotelian school, both Catholic and Protestant, has been and still is a subtle poison in the body of Christianity. It is easier to convert a simple man, ignorant of Christianity, to Christ than to convince an intellectualized Christian who identifies his theology with the Gospel. The apostle Paul founded a flourishing Christianity amidst the sexual debauchery of Corinth - but failed to found a Christian church amidst the proud intellectualism of Athens. It seems that the slaves of lust were less hostile to the Gospel than the demons of intellectual pride.

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