Thursday 3 June 2021


“Without resistance, there is no evolution” is a phrase that appears in the book “The Gnosis of Princeton” by the French philosopher Raymond Ruyer, in which he presents his own philosophical views under the pretext of representing the visions of an imaginary group of American scientists and other international experts, in a profound Cosmo view of the world and man, in the “theory of the consciousness of all living beings.”

This same truth was symbolically stated in Genesis, where Moses speaks of the “breath of God” in contrast to the “serpent's wheeze” to initiate the evolution of humankind.

And the entire Nature confirms this fact; it is all based on the law of polarity. Light, heat and force result from two positive and negative electrical poles; if the lamp's filaments did not offer resistance to the passage of electric current, there would be no light.

If the heater's resistance offered no difficulty to the passage of electric current, there would be no heat.

If the winding of the dynamo did not force the current on a long course, we would have no force on the electric motor.

The whole sidereal macrocosm is based on this bipolarity, the opposition between attraction and repulsion, whose balance produces harmony in the Universe.

We would not have atomic and nuclear energy if the opposition between protons and electrons were not concentrated.

We would not have a superior organic life if male and female poles did not match their complementary genes.

Evolution is resistance, opposition, difficulty, struggle, suffering, victoriously overcome and harmonized.

Where there is no struggle, there is no possibility of victory - and where there is no victory, there is no evolution.

- Involution is an easy descent.

- Stagnation is the state of inertia.

- Evolution is a dynamic ascent.

Man is here on earth, the most creative creature. The creative creature can enhance its potential creativity, inherited from the Creator, based on the overcome resistance.

There are three classes of sufferers:

- the rear-guard of the defeated,

- the army of the conformed,

- the vanguard of the victorious.

Only the third class knew how to make the resistance or difficulty factor an opportunity for progress and ascensional evolution.

Without overcome resistance, there is no higher evolution.

Says Francisco Otaviano, an inspired Brazilian poet from the romantic period:


“Whoever went through life in joy and without suffering,

And in tranquil rest fell asleep;

Who did not feel the cold of misfortune,

Whoever went through life and didn't suffer,

It was a man's spectrum; it wasn't a man,

It just went through life, and it didn't live”.


And indeed, to consolidate this ideology of the necessity of resistance and suffering for the spiritual evolution of man, Jesus, in his farewell words, says to his disciples: “I have told you this, that you may have peace in me. In the world, you will experience tribulation, but have confidence; I have conquered the world.”

The path of self-realization is the “tight gate and the narrow path.”

Resistance is necessary for evolution. 

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