Monday, 28 June 2021


There is no complete freedom in any creature; only the Creator is absolutely free. Freedom is power; full freedom is full power or omnipotence. If man were totally free, he would be omnipotent, equal to the Creator. The different degrees of freedom are the initial inheritance of each individual - of the conquests of each one in the level of their spiritual evolution - and this inheritance does not depend on man's freedom; it is a gift from the Creator; it is divine grace, which has to be conquered. The Creator made man as little as possible so that he makes as much of himself as possible. Not even free will in man - determined by the use of his reason, conscience - makes him an omnipotent being, as forces beyond the comprehension of profane man exert a controlling factor.

Man is free enough to be responsible for his conscious acts and is therefore responsible for the good or evil he performs. Still, the degree of ethical and moral freedom and responsibility is not the same in all men.

Some men do not bear spiritual fruit, for their inner ground is too profane and open, like a public road, where the seed of the word of wisdom sent by the Masters is trodden by the feet of passersby and devoured by entities foreign to the spiritual world. These seeds don't even sprout.

Others are purely sentimental souls; they listen to the manifestation of the words of wisdom with relish, to the point of shedding tears of emotion, but as soon as the realization of this word costs them personal sacrifice, they give up for lack of depth and spiritual experience. In these people, the divine seed quickly sprouts but does not bear fruit.

And there are still men who, after receiving these pearls of wisdom, suffocate them under a store of worldly pleasures and cares, so that the objects of their human ego suffocate the subject of their essential and divine Self, and they bear no fruit.

In this sense, religions with their churches that establish with dogmas and rituals, the cult of the enclosure, with their prisons and handcuffs to which they submit their faithful - still infants of the things of the spirit - end up keeping them in the narrow vision of the path of realization, as “the blind being led by the blind”.

Only a small percentage of human souls place themselves on the right ground to sprout, blossom and bear fruit. But even among these, there is a remarkable difference in terms of fertility. The “good ground” of these souls is not all the same. All produce, but the result is varied, according to the greater or lesser receptivity. This receptivity, however, is the result of human freedom.

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