Monday 14 June 2021


All great thinkers in the East agree that human life is one but goes through several evolutionary stages. They also admit that the spiritual-moral content (karma) from one stage of life is not nullified by physical death, but goes to the next stage, with its positive and negative elements.

The common idea in the West, that a man may be compelled neither to progress nor retreat, or even to suffer forever because of mistakes made in any of his evolutionary stages is rejected by them, for such a process would destroy the Law of Cause and Effect, which rules the entire Cosmos. If there were eternal punishment for sins or mistakes committed, the effect, eternal punishment, would be infinitely greater than its cause, and this disproportion would convert the order of the Cosmos into chaos. No fleeting sins, however great, can produce eternal suffering since the eternal is not measured by the sum of fleeting sins or errors.

If man's freedom is an attribute of the spirit, and it does not die with the destruction of the material body, consequently, the spirit remains free and can correct its error whenever it wants; it can undo what it did!

Yes, the very spirit, as stated by Teilhard de Chardin, French Jesuit priest, scientist, paleontologist, theologian, philosopher, idealist and professor, however much it shocks materialist sceptics, that: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience... we are spiritual beings having a human experience”.

This eternal evolution of man, however, does not necessarily require a “reincarnation”, that is, a return of the spirit to a physical body; and, even if this reincarnation was necessary, it could take place in other dimensions scattered throughout the Cosmos, as life is not just a privilege of planet Earth.

Reincarnation would only take place if a disincarnated person had strong material desires because it did not create, during its earthly existence, sufficient spiritual wisdom to guarantee compatibility with an environment superior to physical matter in other levels of the Cosmos.

Ramana Maharshi, a famous Indian sage and a being freed from ego tendencies, stated that the concept of reincarnation is based on misconceptions about the individual self (the ego) as being real. For the sage, the rebirth of the spirit, in a material body, exists as a step of renewal for those who lived in illusion and did not have the ability to comprehend the non-reality of the individual self. But when this illusion is realized, there is no more room for ideas about reincarnation. When identification with the body ceases, so does any notion of death and rebirth, for there is no birth or death within the dimension of the higher Divine Self.

It is known that an intense desire, long nourished, gradually materializes, for mental forces are creative forces. The force of mental magic creates the object corresponding to its desires, whether on the mental level, whether on the astral or material one. Thus, when out of matter, a materialist materializes his desire to return to matter, while out of matter, he does not find an environment conducive to its happiness. It is like a fish out of water; it cannot live in a subtle atmosphere and will return to its aquatic environment.

Therefore, while fulfilling a possible intense and constant desire, reincarnation cannot be considered the only way for someone to pay off its debt, or negative karma, contracted in a previous existence. The payment of this debt is possible at any evolutionary stage, even outside of physical matter, since the basis of this debt is not in matter but in the mental level of man, for only the mind or intellect, errs and sins. This mental element, however, does not abandon man when he physically disembodies. It was the man's mind that sinned, and it can undo what it did in any setting in the Cosmos.

Many philosophers also try to explain through reincarnation the inequalities of individuals during earthly existence - diseases, poverty, premature or violent death, etc. However, although these inequalities are, to some extent, explainable in the face of negative karma brought from a previous existence, this explanation fails when we go back to the first link of this long chain of successive existences; it does not explain why a certain human being created this negative karma, when, in the first incarnation, there was nothing negative to justify this abuse of freedom. What is the reason why the person “A” created negative karma, sinning, in its first existence, when people “B” and “C” and thousands of others, just like it initially, created positive karma? The appeal to reincarnation to explain the inequalities of the present life does not, therefore, provide a final solution.

While a physical reincarnation, as a historical and objective fact, is possible, there is no necessary causal link between material reincarnation and spiritual rebirth. Spiritual rebirth can take place without reincarnation and vice versa. All the spiritual rebirths narrated in the Gospel, the New Testament and the history of mankind in general - Nicodemus, Magdalene, Zacchaeus, the thief on the cross, Paul of Tarsus, Francis of Assisi, and others, apparently took place without any material reincarnation. Hence, it is concluded that rebirth by the spirit is not necessarily linked to the relationship of cause and effect, that is, to reincarnation through matter.

Rebirth by the spirit is an autonomous process, independent of any external factor, dependent only on the rational or spiritual Self in man; dispenses the intervention of external third-party factors, as in the incarnation, which depends on the physical level, the cooperation of the bodies of a woman and a man. The rebirth by the spirit is an eminent and exclusively individual duty - whereas reincarnation is only possible through the relationship between two individuals. This reincarnation may be a historical fact, objectively real - but the rebirth by the spirit represents a subjectively realized human value. Reincarnation is on the horizontal level of external quantities, which can happen to a man. Still, the spiritual rebirth is on the vertical level of internal qualities, which man must perform.

True evolution or self-realization is not a fact that happens to man - it is an achievement that man realizes.

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