Saturday 26 June 2021


In affirming this identity, it implies that it is not a question of finding or searching for a special, invisible, incorporeal being or communicating with it. In this sense lies the difficulty with the word "God", or another name that can be given to the Divinity, to the Nameless, for it makes it seem like an objective entity, apart, when in reality it is the essential identity, and the essence of everything.

When the essence took form, existence had its beginning and unfolded across the whole stage of existence. Everything that exists has a beginning, middle and end. The only one that does not exist is the essence, the Being, which does not require existence to be; one can even dare to say that the Being is not restricted to what exists; it “goes beyond”, for it already “was” before creating existence. 1

This essence is discovered through consciousness. In the human being, the conscious form becomes aware of itself; in non-human beings, there is individuality with different degrees of awareness; and the inanimate, their own states of consciousness, more or less awake, more or less aware of that state.

All forms have, as essence, the same unique Being, which created a cosmic “play”, appearing and disappearing in existence. And self-awareness in man is the “vision” of that essence. Man sees the being he is and all other creations, even if he doesn't see them!

The fact that the human form sees the Being does not make it any better than those who do not see it because they have not yet awakened to the fact of their own knowledge but continue to be as much as humans are, emanations of the Being, which is the common essence of all forms.

When a human form or any other disintegrates into the ether, it means that the existing materialized being ceased to manifest itself in that form, passing to another form, or not, depending only on the free will of that being. Still, the essence of the Being remains in this form of being. When human consciousness awakens in this reason, it discovers Eternal Life, for although its form has been transformed into any dimension, even ethereal, its integrated consciousness will no longer be subject to form; the Eternal Life of the immutable Being was visualized.

The human being, in its development as higher consciousness, elaborates for its form an external identity to which it names and builds an individual or social ego, caring as much as possible to prolong the expression of this form and fear of losing it, so much, so that identified with it. Hence the separation from the presence of the Being, who naively believes, and this is the reason why, instead of tasting a Cosmos, it lives in a constant state of emotional and mental chaos.

And so, for millennia, and many more ahead, the man struggles and will fight tirelessly so that these transitory forms elaborated by the illusions of his tyrannical ego do not disappear, not knowing that true life is not subject to form, space and time, which there's no problem drinking the cup of hemlock of his destiny, where the comedies unfold on the stages of the circus that is the life of the profane man. But the Being, the observing consciousness, will never cease to be. 2

Eckhart Tolle, a German spiritualist, professor, and writer, says that human existence has only two internal and external purposes. The priority purpose, internal, is the awakening of consciousness to the Self. And the secondary one, external, is the pilgrimage on the earthly journey, where there is the possibility of liberation from the ego, which is only processed through self-knowledge, until total self-realization, which is nothing more than the awakening of consciousness in Being.

The expression: “May God be in me” is valid, but it is confusing; it gives the impression that man is divided, separated, man and the Being. And that is the problem with giving a name, God, etc., to the Nameless, the Being, the essence of everything, as if it were another objective form that could be determined and located, converting it into something apart, as separate entities. Despite the human condition demanding a form, man is not what he really is. This condition, the human person, reveals itself as just a mask, which one wears while living in the terrestrial dimension, which will have to be abandoned, with the change of a new level of consciousness when this consciousness has fulfilled its true role. This role is related to the awakening, to discovering the true Being, which is hidden by the artificial, illusory and temporary ego, to which man gives all credit and value.

Here also the reason why and the meaning of the word: “holy”, which means “total” or “totalizing”, because in the sacred scriptures referring to God, they say: “That his Name is Holy”, i.e., which refers to the whole.

The so-called messengers of God are enlightened by consciousness, who are preparing humanity, imprisoned in the shackles of its primitive conditioning for a greater awakening of consciousness. The Christ Jesus referred to the image of a loving Father, significantly advancing concerning Moses, whose predominant image was that of a punishing Lord. Jesus included the idea that “The Father and I are one”, thus preparing the way for the awakening of the unique consciousness, which today urges for the survival of man on the planet!

And it is for this very reason that Buddha is considered an atheist because, for him, it is incorrect and counterproductive to identify the unidentifiable, making it a separate entity that has nothing to do with the knowledge attained by consciousness.

Jesus agreed to be god but said that all men are gods, and when he referred to the power he had over life: “I lay down my life and withdraw it when I want”, being the only creature generated from the Supreme Being, the Christ, who manifested himself in the human form of Jesus, and in which in men, marked the powerful image of the crucifix as an arrow indicating the path to which man must submit to attain the life of the eternal Being.


1)- Existence: the prefix “ex” means that it was extracted, a product.

2)- Hence the peace with which the human form called Socrates, when drinking the hemlock, claiming that no one would take his life, to be immortal, showing how much his conscience had awakened.


This essay on the mystique of spirituality was authored by Hernán Fandiño (1952-2020), a scholar of the reflections and teachings of Huberto Rohden, Emilio Carrillo, and being a reader, follower and translator into Spanish of the lectures given by Eckhart Tolle. Hernán, after reviving the Christ who dwelt in him during his earthly pilgrimage took a quantum leap of consciousness, discovering the being that is his essential and divine Self and the Being that is his essence.

Flavio de Mello

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