Tuesday 9 February 2021


Sin is only possible in the shadows of ego-consciousness, created by the intellect, however, it is not possible in the darkness of unconsciousness, which involves the world of material senses; nor is it possible in the intense light of full consciousness, which illuminates the spiritual heights of reason, of the Logos.

Neither unconsciousness nor full consciousness knows sin. Sin is a private phenomenon of semi-consciousness. Neither the senses nor reason can sin; neither body nor soul sin - only intelligence, that tyrannical Lucifer of the mental ego in man.

Now, being Reason, the Logos, the divine Spirit (Christ) - how could there be sin in the area of impeccability?

God is transcendent to everything and immanent in everything.

In essence, God is totally present and immanent in all things - but at the level of the manifestation of its essence, there are great differences. God, although immanent in every being, does not manifest itself in the same way in all beings. Its essence is invariable, but its manifestation is variable.

The man is not yet ready to assess the conscience of God in the mineral and the vegetal; and the presence of the conscience of God seems to be a mystery in the non-human universe, although in some of them the concept of individuality inhabits and manifests itself. Therefore, any attempt to establish a criterion is premature and pure speculation, because we know so little about nonhumans and ignore how much they offer us. It is to disdain that in the countenance of a non-human who does not speak, there is a whole discourse that only the wise spirit has the ability to comprehend.

God is ego conscious in the intellectual, and it is fully conscious in the spiritual; God, in short, is all conscious, integral, without flaws, in itself.

Only in the shadow level of the ego consciousness is sin possible since sin supposes consciousness, but an imperfect one.

Sin, as stated by one of the greatest modern sages, Ramana Maharshi, consists of the illusion of our separation from God, an illusion created by the intellect.

We are distinct from God because God is transcendent to each of its creatures.

But we are not separated from God, because God is immanent in each of its creatures.

We are not identical to God, nor separated from God - we are distinguished by our human existence, but equal to God by the universal divine essence.

The dualist affirms transcendence and denies immanence.

The pantheist denies transcendence and asserts immanence.

The monotheist, the monist or universalist, affirms both transcendence and immanence, thus achieving total truth.

The separatist intellect makes us sin - the reason that unites, redeems us from sin.

Intellect is the precursor of reason - reason integrates intellect in itself.

It can only redeem who is redeemed.

Only he who has never sinned can cleanse from sin.

No one goes to the Father except through Christ - Christ, however, as the Fourth Gospel says, is the divine Logos, the supreme Reason. And one of them, Christ Jesus, who became flesh and inhabited the Earth, also dwells in every human being, permanently, in the form of that “light that illuminates every man who comes into this world ... and gives those who receive it the power to become children of God” - “I am with you every day until the end of the age”.

“Who of you will accuse me of sin?” - this was the courageous challenge that someone without sin, launched into the world, and so will be able to do every man in whom the inner Christ has fully awakened, and in consequence, the sinful ego consciousness is redeemed of its selfishness and allows itself to be invaded by universal love.

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