Tuesday 23 February 2021


When the Pharisees dragged the adulteress at Jesus' feet - they had a moment of supreme joy for there is no greater delight for the Pharisee than rummaging through trash bins - at someone else's place.

To disclose publicly the weaknesses of others! For the more stunted and depleted the character of someone is, the more it feels the pleasure of making statistics on the sins of others and cataloguing its virtues.

It is easy to forget that censoring the imperfections of others is a right that only the perfect man has. However, the perfect man is all the more forgiving of others - how much more austere with himself!

“Master - say the whitewashed tombs of the synagogues - this woman was caught in adultery. Moses told us to stone such women. And you - what do you say?”

Anticipating the cruel predicament of the Galilean prophet, in response, the malicious censors laughed covertly. For, if Jesus absolved her, he would contradict Moses - if he condemned her, he would contradict himself, his doctrine of indulgence and forgiveness.

Either Christ against Moses, or Christ against Christ - fatal dilemma!

The trap was so well set that the unwary bird would not escape the catastrophe. And the evil hunters lurk, eager to see the little bird step on the fateful trapdoor.

After a pause of strange attitude and gestures, the Galilean Rabbi answered serenely and calmly: “Whoever among you is without sin … cast the first stone”.

The adulteress must be stoned - Christ with Moses. But by pure hands, for it is not convenient for sinners to punish a sinner - Christ above Moses.

Perplexed, these traitors looked at each other as they turned against them, the trap they had set up for the little bird ... And, before falling victim to the trap itself, they left, confused, crestfallen, defeated ...

Wouldn't Jesus have written the sins of the sinner's accusers on the sands?

Too clairvoyant were the pupils of the Nazarene that they penetrated the surface of those men, the so-called “doctors of the law”, dressed in ornate clothes, true whitewashed tombs and discovered the interior rot.

He knew the soul of this “adulterous generation” ... of these hypocritical professionals - scandalized by a casual weakness.

Only the adulteress and Jesus remained - the sinner and the merciful ...

So, there was the man who could throw the first stone at her - the first and the last one ...

The “sinless man ...”

But how could infinite purity cease to be supreme love? How could the infinite purity be no longer the supreme love?

And, instead of casting deadly stones at the sinner - he threw words of forgiveness and life: “Nor will I condemn you; go in peace and do not sin again ...”

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